bloggers about narcissistic abuse, bloggers for domestic abuse, bloggers for mental abuse, blogging, codependence, domestic abuse, emotional abuse, life, mental abuse, mental illness, narcissism, narcissistic abuse, people pleaser syndrome

Revealing Truth

I just posted two quotes from the blog called Blog of a Mad Black Woman. I rarely reblog more than one thing from anyone’s blog in the same day. I just reblogged one quote on here and one on my Lovely Wounded Lady blog. These were powerful quotes that were very meaningful and inspiring to me personally. I wanted to share the ideas with my readers.

As a courtesy to Persia I would like to tell you that her blog is very powerful and that I always find something to inspire me there.

If you enjoyed the last two things I posted, I recommend that you take a visit to her blog which you can connect to HERE

Anyone who is spreading truth with their blog is highly respected by me and these blogs should be acknowledged and passed along. A couple of other other blogs that I recommend of you are seeking truth about how toxic people have an agenda to manipulate and control people are as follows. There are more and I have reblogs from many of them on the Lovely Wounded Lady Blog, which is my blog for domestic and narcissistic abuse.

Self Care Haven

Better Not Broken 

Silver Girl

Addicted to Love and Drama

There are many other great blogs by survivors if abuse and trauma and these people are committed to healing others by letting them see the truth of reality.

You can see my Once a Victim Now a Survivor post for a list of the blogs that I chose to pass the award to. These are not all of the blogs I follow and there are many more excellent bloggers that are dedicated to truth and to people being able to reach their potential without being interfered with by toxic people.

I think it might be a good thing to write posts from time to time to let readers know about other blogs that they may not be aware of. I have many amazing people that I follow and I have great respect for them as humans. It is meaningful and inspiring to find people with integrity and the strength and courage to put themselves out there for the benefit of others.



6 thoughts on “Revealing Truth”

  1. Reblogged this on Blog of a Mad Black Woman and commented:
    Oh my! I am not really sure what to say… Having no idea where it would lead when I first started out, my blog has changed quite a lot. It now has a more positive vibe rather than negative. I guess this is a natural process along the Healing Path.

    It is great to know I inspire others with my blog, and hope I continue to do so. Please let me know, if there is anything in particular one would like me to write about/touch base on. I will certainly try my best to honour your request.

    Thank you very much Annie!
    Much love. ❤

    (P.S. – Annie, I took a screen shot of the comment you left the other day. I can't get the wise lady's words out of my head. It was very kind of you to share).


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