
The Blogger Interview Tag

Thank you to The Lightning and the Fire for selecting me for this Interview Tag post.

You can see their post HERE

Here are the rules:

* Mention the person who tagged you
* Answer the questions as best as you can
* Don’t forget to tag up to ten other bloggers at the end

Interview Questions and My Answers

How did you get into blogging? I kind of stumbled upon it by accident. I knew nothing about it. I was reading something a friend sent me and I noticed it was a WordPress blog. I went over to see what WordPress was all about just out of curiosity.
What advice would you give to a blogger just starting out? Be yourself and write about what is meaningful to you personally.
What would be your dream campaign? Something to support victims of domestic violence and abuse
Do you have a plan for your blog? I take it day by day.
What do you think about rankings? I never pay attention to them. I actually don’t even know where to access that information

My Victims 

Diary of a Mad Black Woman

Tell Me About It

Human Interest

The Shaming of the Shrew

Healing Your Grief

David Snape and Friends

Me, My Magnificent Self

Emma’s Cup

Lady Bug Creations

I’m no Star Girl

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