mental illness

You Can’t Please Everyone! People Pleaser Syndrome


If someone has consistently shown you that they do not have a desire to care about how you feel, then stop expecting to find kindness and caring from them.

They may not want to care about your feelings. They may not have the capacity to empathize with you. Either way, you cannot force people or convert people to the side of kindness and compassion.

If someone never listens to your thoughts and feelings then they possibly never will. Communication goes two directions. If you always listen to their side, and they never listen to your side, then see it for what it is.

If your communication is consistently not being heard, no matter what the circumstance, then most likely this person has no intention to hear you.

Holding onto beliefs that you can “make them” care about you, is not productive. Find alternative ways to deal with conflicts and situations…

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7 thoughts on “You Can’t Please Everyone! People Pleaser Syndrome”

  1. So true.
    Some of us have learnt the hard way what doing this, trying to be good to please the loved who don’t bother, does in the long run. When your good nature is spurned over and over and you keep at it because you are taught to believe your passion will be returned some day, your own heart will sink into a dark, insensitive depression from disappointment when you realise that day won’t ever come . We learn too late that communication, feeling and affection cant work out when they’re one way and that if you’re not that insensitive taker at the good end then you get nothing from the other end of such relations.


    1. Yes balance is best. People that love and care for each other will offer love and support. They should not have to take from you. If they trust you then they will know that you offer what you are able to offer.. Without damaging yourself or forfeiting your personal boundaries.

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