anxiety disorder, enlightenment, hypnosis, hypnotherapy, mental illness

Your Unconscious Mind and Hypnosis



Despite the way it may seem to you, most people do not make decisions based on rational arguments and logic from the conscious brain. 

You make decisions that are driven by the beliefs and emotions of the subconscious parts of the brain. 

The limbic system is the emotional brain.  It is one of the three brains described by the Triune Brain Theory, developed by Paul MacLean. This theory was conceived of by research and experience in order to develop a model based on the study of evolutionary development of the human brain. Over time the different parts of the brain developed as a natural evolution in response to the survival needs of humans. 

According to this theory, the three brains are as follows:

The Reptilian Brain is the primal brain. It was the first part of the brain that developed. The early people used this brain for protection, survival and procreation of the species. The drives from this part of the brain are very strong, and they are at the root of many decisions to make on a daily basis. 

This reptilian part of your brain scans for danger and seeks safety and also pleasure. It encourages you away from pain or any threats in your environment. This part of the brain is very active in people with PTSD from trauma. It also gives you sexual drives and is at the root of impulses.

The Limbic System is the second part of the brain that was developed. The limbic system contains the emotions and deals with behavior in response to emotions. It also processes memories and associations you have between experiences and feelings. This part of the brain consists of the  hippocampus, the amygdala, and the hypothalamus.

If you have ever made a decision that did not seem rational to you, and you can’t figure out why you did it, then it may have been driven by a combination of the reptilian brain and the emotions from the limbic system.

The conscious brain is made of two hemispheres and it is called the  hippocampus, the Neocortex. 

These hemispheres have been responsible for the development of human language, abstract thought, imagination, and consciousness. The neocortex is flexible and has almost infinite learning capabilities

The Brain Box – Triune Brain Theory


Learning ways to access and understand what is happening in your subconscious brain, is a valuable tool to understanding your emotions and behaviors. Hypnosis is one tool that can help you to access your subconscious and heal certain emotional wounds that you may be carrying.

Old emotional wounds can affect your feelings and behavior in ways that may no longer be supporting you. 

There are a variety if things that can be done while under various levels of hypnosis. If you are working with an ethical hypnotherapist, you will have control over any and all alterations in the neural pathways of your brain. You can create positive changes that will allow you to live your life in ways that allow you to experience things in that way that you would like to.

In addition to accessing and healing old emotional wounds, you can identify any false beliefs that you may be holding in your subconscious about yourself. Many of our perceptions were programmed into us while we were young. Some of these beliefs may be untrue and have a negative effect on our emotions and ability to achieve the things we want. 

If you are interested in finding out more about how hypnotherapy can benefit you…

If you have negative self talk that you know is holding you back from things you know you can do….

If you are curious about the possibilities of realizing ways you can create amazing changes in the way you frame your reality…


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Then please visit my new web site and send me  a contact message. I will respond yo you via email, and talk with you more about what hypnotherapy can do for you. Or you can reach me by email at

And we can schedule a 15 dollar discounted first time session, so you can try it out and discover what you can realize about yourself that you didn’t even know that you knew, because that information has been driving your unconscious brain, and your conscious brain was not aware of it.


Annie Mimi Hall YouTube channel 

Gentlekindness Facebook Page 




4 thoughts on “Your Unconscious Mind and Hypnosis”

    1. It is very interesting. If you click on the link I put for the Triune Brain theory you can read more about it.
      Some of the hypnoists use this information to create conversational hypnosis techniques…
      YOu can look up David SNyder Hypnosis on youtube…
      and also Igor Ledochowski hypnosis on youtube
      and you will find some interesting classes they teach


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