bloggers, blogging, life

Quote Day for Three Days Challenge “It is better to Have Loved and Lost…”

It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.”   Alfred Lord Tennyson

aww so sweet …

This is my second day of the quote challenge. I am to choose a quote and write a post about it. I have chosen the above quote and here is my offering…

It is better to have loved and lost,  than never to have loved at all

It is better to have stabbed your fork into your eye, than never have owned utensils

It is better to have had your leg chewed off by a cougar, than never to have owned a pet at all

It is better to have fallen off of the mountain, than never to have climbed at all

It is better to have lived in a mansion and then become homeless, than never to have lived indoors at all

It is better to be run over by a car, than to never have walked at all

It is better to have shoved your hand into the garbage disposal and had it chopped into little bits, than to never have had a garbage disposal  at all

It is better to have climbed up to your roof and fallen off,  than never to have owned a house at all

10 thoughts on “Quote Day for Three Days Challenge “It is better to Have Loved and Lost…””

  1. Hmmm…seems a little “dark” to me. Are you really disagreeing with the original quote. Are you saying it would really be better never to love, than to love deeply and then lose that love? Or is this just a dark day for you? It is better to have lived a life of constant sorrow, complete slavery, excruciating pain, torture, and insanity than to never have lived at all. Or is it?


      1. i love sense of humor can be like that. it is hard for others sometimes so i display it in moderation..only to the truly appreciative ones. keep that good info coming though.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I like this. It’s so real, and more relatable I think. Poetry can be hard to analyse, and I’m just as bad at it. Or even quotes sometimes.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for reading. This is dark humor. It is very exaggerated. But it is to show that losing love is painful and there are many ways in which someone can lose their love. There are some ways that someone can lose their loved one that are horrible and it would be better not to have gone through it.

      Sometimes you love someone and they were just pretending to love you. You loved them but their love was all lies. In this kind of case, it would be better not to have loved them in the first place.

      The original quote is very vague and does not apply in all situations. In the case that someone really had true love and the loved passed on peacefully, then it is better to have had them in your life. You will see them again one day.

      Annie ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  3. ewww. Taken as humour these are pretty funny I confess. But then, I liked “101 Uses for a Dead Cat” AND ” The Cat’s Revenge – More Than 101 Uses for Dead People.” Those two hilarious reads had me going “ewww” on nearly every page. From the news, how about “It is better to have ordered hot coffee, spilled it on myself and won $2.86M in a lawsuit against the restaurant, than to have never had a cup of coffee at all.”~Stella Liebeck

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I like dark humor sometimes. Although some people do not.
      I am glad you got that it was humorous. I will write something different for the last quote.
      I am thinking about what quote to use.
      Talk to you soon,


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