edgar allen poe, poetry, tell tale heart, writers, writing

The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe

I used to read this with my oldest daughter every year at Halloween from when she was about 13. Last year I began this tradition with my younger daughter when she turned about that age.

The first time I heard this was when I was in 5th grade at school. I guess I was about 11 or 12. It was the first time I had ever heard of Edgar Allen Poe.

One funny thing was the the English teacher was names Mr, Edgar. I think I must have wondered if they were related…LOL

Anyway I remember that a lot of the people in class were bored and did not really understand the point of this kind of poetry. But I was mesmerized and fascinated. I went up to the teacher after class and asked questions about this dark poet.

Edgar Allan Poe is still one of my favorite writers.

history of halloween, life

History Channel Videos About Halloween

Here are a few interesting short videos from the History Channel web site about Halloween. These are fun to watch and you can share them with your children too. Halloween has a complex, rich history which involves traditions and beliefs from different religions, time periods and cultures.




blogging, blogging community, quotes, writing

Writer’s Quote Wednesday – Ralph Waldo Emerson Quote

Do not go where the path may lead,

go instead where there is no path

and leave a trail.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

This post is for the Silver Threading Blog Writer’s Quote Wednesday. You can see her post HERE.

writer's quote wed

Ralph Waldo Emerson was a “think outside the box” person and I have always admired that about him. He was one of the first people I read about in high school that encouraged thinking in new ways, even if those ways may not be regularly accepted by the crowd.

If my memory serves me correctly, I chose Emerson for a project but reading him was not given on a class list. The public schools that I have experience with do not encourage “outside the box” thinking, but rather conformist thinking that serves to make proper drones for society.

There are individual people in the world that want others to conform to their beliefs and the narrative of reality they create. This also occurs on a much larger scale with governments, and some certain churches and offshoots of religions. In some ways certain moderate to large organizations use brainwashing tactics to control and manipulate their members. 

I believe that the more we allow people to think for us the less we are creating our own perceptions of reality. The more we just agree with the reality and the narrative that other people write, the less empowerment we have over our own lives, our own beliefs, and our own path based on our individual values. 

It is very important for each of us to evaluate things for ourselves. When someone tells you “YOU should….” then you can think about what they are saying and decide if you really SHOULD or not. 

I love the advice that Teal Swan gives in her talks, which is to ask yourself one simple question…”What would someone who loves themselves do?”

This is not to say not to care about other people. Nor am I saying to cross other people’s boundaries.

What I am saying to to Not Allow Other People to Cross Your Boundaries.

This includes interfering with your beliefs and also interfering with your ability to act in accordance with your own beliefs and values. 

Your writing will flourish once you begin to write from your own emotions, thoughts, beliefs and values. Even fiction stories can come out of one’s own perceptions and imagination. 

Your writing should be YOU in some way. It should be unique because you are unique and there is no one quite like you anywhere in the world. 


The Blogger Interview Tag

Thank you to The Lightning and the Fire for selecting me for this Interview Tag post.

You can see their post HERE

Here are the rules:

* Mention the person who tagged you
* Answer the questions as best as you can
* Don’t forget to tag up to ten other bloggers at the end

Interview Questions and My Answers

How did you get into blogging? I kind of stumbled upon it by accident. I knew nothing about it. I was reading something a friend sent me and I noticed it was a WordPress blog. I went over to see what WordPress was all about just out of curiosity.
What advice would you give to a blogger just starting out? Be yourself and write about what is meaningful to you personally.
What would be your dream campaign? Something to support victims of domestic violence and abuse
Do you have a plan for your blog? I take it day by day.
What do you think about rankings? I never pay attention to them. I actually don’t even know where to access that information

My Victims 

Diary of a Mad Black Woman

Tell Me About It

Human Interest

The Shaming of the Shrew

Healing Your Grief

David Snape and Friends

Me, My Magnificent Self

Emma’s Cup

Lady Bug Creations

I’m no Star Girl

mental illness

Drawing pad

I like to support our very youngest bloggers, Meet Lady Bug Creations, She is a young artist and blogger.

Lady Bug Art Creations

I forgot to grab my art pad when going on a long car trip, so I decided to use a drawing pad I had downloaded on my phone.

I had never used one before,(and my phone screen is cracked) so I was surprised that it didn’t look too much like road kill.

Once I got the hang of it drawing on it was easy and fun, I know I still have a lot to edit and change but here are a few drawings that I did.

The name of the drawing pad I use is Sketchbook Express

I downloaded it from Google play store for free, here’s a link!

 Sketchbook Express

Copyright © 2015 Elizabeth Galloway. All rights reserved

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