#narcissistic abuse, abusive relationships, depression after a death, mental illness

Stigma About Mental Illness

Stigma about mental illness keeps many people from seeking treatment. Out f fear of social isolation, discrimination and misunderstanding due to their invisible illness, people fear the diagnosis and the permanent label to be fixed upon them.

There are many kinds of mental illness that are very different from each other.

People that have had incidents of severe depression are obviously not a danger to others, but being labeled with “mental illness” means that the same stigma will apply to them as to everyone else with a history of mental illness.

A former soldier who has had PTSD in the past, still carries the “history of mental illness” red flag in his records.

You hear the phrase “has a history of mental illness” on the news when some psychopath kidnaps a child. You hear this same phrase when a psychpathic 17 year old guns down his fellow students in the hallways of the school.

Just because someone “has a history of mental illness” does not make them a bad person, nor does it make them violent. This stigma is unrealistic and unfair to many people.

This stigma keeps many people from seeking treatment they need.

Once that label is on someone’s record, it is like it is etched in stone. It can ne brought out and others can even use it to undermine people that they have ulterior motives to destroying.

The general population is poorly educated about mental illness. Some people suffer for years and do not even realize that their depression or anxiety disorder could be treated.

They just know that something is wrong but they do not have enough background aboit different kinds of mental issues, to understand when depression changes from regular depression to a depressive disorder that is serious.

Parents are not educated about teen mental illness, and many parents cannot recognize a serious mental health problem. Teen suicides that could be prevented are a tragedy.

High schools do not have classes on basic mental health. The students are forced to spend hours learning certain things they will never use in their lifetime, but critical life topics like mental illness or safe dating is not covered in the curriculum.

Over 25 percent of people will have some form of serious mental suffering during their lifetimes.

Why is it that education about mental health is not given any consideration by the government or the school systems?

Why does the media continue to perpetuate misinformation that is devastating to individuals with mental health dosorders?

The heads of the government have an agenda that does not contain any feelings of empathy or common sense.

1 in 25 people is a psychopath or a malignant toxic narcissist. These are the people that are a danger to others.

But they have a talent to put on a facade of  charm and to appear “normal.”  By enabling fingers to be pointed at people “with a history of mental illness” …the psychopathic leaders are able to continue to blend in.

Lower level psychopaths endanger the invisibity of the high functioning ones. When these lower level psychopaths commit crimes, the media spouts that the person has “a history of mental illness.”

The truth that psychopaths blend into the crowd and are able to function undetected by people, is something that is covered up.

Instead of the news saying the truth, which is…

“This man raped three women. He is a psychopath. “…

..They are obligated to say …

“This man raped three women. He has a history of mental illness. ”

This veil of illusion is permeated throughout society and constantly reinforced by conditioning of the minds of the public.


#domestic abuse, #narcissism, #narcissistic abuse, abusive relationships, anxiety ptsd, mental illness

C-PTSD from on-going Mental Trauma

The psychologically traumatized brain takes unusual action to protect itself from further trauma. It adapts and activates emergency systems in order to protect the victim from danger.

The fight or flight system begins to behave differently. It adapts. Chemicals that should be flooded into the body for a few minutes during an immediate threat, begin to circulate like soldiers doing rounds.

Unnecessary functions slow down or turn off. The memory functions malfunction. The system overloads. The hippacampus part of the brain fails to properly integrate memories into the long term boxes of the brain.

PTSD happens because the constant overload of cortisol disrupts its normal function. Flashbacks cannot be differentiated by the brain from immediate threat.

Threat is everywhere. That is what the brain has learned. It adapts to the perception that the environment is unsafe. The nervous system goes on high alert.

Ongoing events of threat continue to keep the adaptation occuring. The brain learns not to be normal. Normal functions do not allow for such heightening of perception and the senses.

The senses become more alert. Every loud noise sends adrenaline throughout the body. Shadows on the fall cause the blood to pump faster from the heart and into the exremities.

Breathing becomes faster to bring more oxygen into the brain. The brain must be alert. It needs to process very quickly, at a moment’s notice.

Unexpected danger creates unacceptable odds. Danger must be anticipated. The senses can notice the slightest change in the blood pressure of the enemy.

Connection with the enemy is like a twisted dance for survival.  Any change in the emotional state of the dominator must be sensed before it can be seen.

Executive function falls in performance. The brain adapts. It sacrifices normal day to day brain functions, for heightened survival functions.

The entire nervous system is systematically disregulated by the enemy. The brain fights back. It must adapt.

Integration of memories and events becomes blurred. The line between reality and imagination becomes dangerously thinner and thinner.

The enemy is present all the time. Even when he is not there. Constant hypervigilance commands the body.

Sleep is no longer restful. Full sleep ststes are dangerous. They leavr the victim vulnerable. Sleep deprivation further interferes with the brain’s capacity to perceive reality.

Flashbacks occur simultaneously with new incidents of abuse. Now “traumatization” and “retraumatization” happen intertwined.

PTSD is fully lit throughout the nervous system and the brain. As new terrors at the whim of the monster cause more trauma which will result in PTSD later on.

Emotion goes into shock. Reality becomes arrested and only exists inside of the abuse cycles.

There is no safe way out. Every option is turned over in the brain. Looked at upside down and backwards. And yet….the scenarios play out upon the mental stage and end the same way.

Sometimes the perception of reality of the victim dances close to psychosis. The brain adapts. Organizational systems are nearly shut down. Processing and regular thinking is severely slowed.

This is brain fog. This is darkness. This is how the brain adapts to ongoing, constant imminent danger. Danger just around the corner.

The system becomes toxic as high levels of cortisol and adrenaline are continuously doing their rounds. Making sure the victim can run…freeze….hide…or fight back.

abusive relationships, mental illness

Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

Mythology is hinged upon

Good vs. Evil

And the most ugly emotions

Like envy and greed

Old stories show

Characters with evil intentions

And ways that they

Manipulate the unsuspecting

With deception, cunning,

And using a victim’s good nature

Against them

Even the Bible shows

How predators

Disguise themselves

And blend in among others

By appearing to be




Or posing as someone

Completely different

From who they really are…

Eve was deceived by the serpent

In a story that warns us

About deception

And the charm of a lying predator. .

Yet the concept of someone

Who can effectively blend

into society or a social group

While hiding their

Malicious agenda

Behind a well crafted mask

Is still unbelievable to people

Or they think they could

See through such a persona

Were it to engage them in

Light chatter

Or furious intellectual debate

But the truth…

Of the predator vs. prey dynamic

Exists all around you

On your facebook friend list

At your church

Your job and your local school

In the PTA meeting

And in the home

Of your friend or neighbor…

At least 1 in 25 people

Have a predatorial social construct

As part of their cognitive and

Emotional makeup

Predators vs prey

Good nature vs. Insidious intent

Make no mistake

1 in 25

Is somewhere  on the

psychopathic spectrum

Seeing you as prey

And planning how

To have you for their dinner

To feed their entitlement

And sadistic impulses




c-ptsd, mental illness

Stream of Consciousness Writing – Becoming Yourself

I did not post much over the weekend because I have been taking care of my daughter who has been sick.

Hopefully the antibiotics are working now. I am at work now but I will be able to check in to see how she is doing in a few hours. Tuesdays I usually babysit until 6 pm.

I have been listening to Eckhart Tolle on youtube. It kept me calm throughout the weekend. He is so interesting.

The way he describes his experience with enlightenment is an 80 percent reduction in thoughts.

I agree with what he says about our thought patterns being conditioned by society and family.

Any negative thoughts that evoke guilt or shame are un-natural. They are “programs” that we were infected with.

It is not that you should not have remorse if you cause harm to another person. That is not what I am referring to when I talk about shame.

People that grew up with emotional abuse…or other types of abuse….were “conditioned” to feel shame in such a deep way that they feel like there is something innately wrong with them.

Emotional abuse over an on-going period of time warps thought patterns and in effect “brainwashes” the person into believing things thay are not true.

These false beliefs become imbedded in the subconcious brain very deeply. When certain thoughts repeat over and over in your brain, they alter your perception of reality.

Eckharte Tolle teaches us to take moments to “be in the Now,” and this means without any connection to the past or the future.

I have come to realize, from my own studies, that your memories are not accurate. They are interpretations of events from times that you were only able to interpret the meaning of things from your own “conditioned”  brain.

The real “self” that you actually are,  is not tied to these events, or to the story of your life. Those situations and interactions do not have to define you.

The views of other people about “who you are” and what you can and cannot do, are not fully true. People view who you are through their own biases, conditioned views, and with their own story as a basis for their perception.

We do not have to accept “the mirror” that others say refects us. People we know have difficulties seeing us beyond what they expect to see.

If you want to practice being a more authentic version of yourself, you have to do it with strangers and when you meet people in settings away from people you know.

Your family is more likely to keep putting you back into your “proper box” whereas when you go into a different environment, you can expand beyond those restrictions of the perception of others.



mental illness, self-help

Mountain Meditation


Imagine your feet planted strongly

Balanced evenly on the ground

On a powerful mountain top

Gentle wind rushes by your face

The feeling is exhilarating

To your nervous system

As each nerve responds to the last

Like a domino effect

Creating a symphony

Throughout your entire body

As you feel the weight

Of the souls of your feet

Firmly grounded on the earth and rock

The living spirit of the mountain

And earth

Flows up into your legs

There is a tingling of energy

Both natural and spiritual

Flowing upward and

Creating heat and powerful force

Within you

That extends beyond your fingertips

As you feel this energy growing

You realize that your feet

Have lifted

Ever so slightly

Off the ground

Almost invisible to the naked eye

But no longer are you

Touching the earth

As you enjoy the sensations

That are flowing through you

You begin to notice a voice rising up

From the back of your mind

As your conscious mind becomes quieter

Your subconscious brain lights up

With activity and

You can access the most powerful

Parts of yourself as your

Higher spiritual self whispers

Into your mind

You notice all at once

The wind blowing across your face

The sensation of your breath

As you draw in both oxygen

And energy from the worlds

Both natural and spiritual

Your feet float gently down

To the earth and you

Feel the sensation of the

Mountain’s great power

And realize that it’s greatness

Exists because of you

Your awareness

Your power

And your consciousness

That the mountain

Is always created by you

And only exists

Because you wanted it to

energy light hands

mental illness

What to Live For


Live for yourself. Create your reality. Listen to your inner voice. Nurture your inner child and your emotional wounds.

Live for the connection of all living things and for the value of life and existence.

Live for loving others. Do random acts of kindness. Search out special people to share intimate relationships with.  Passion and sensuality are part of being human and part of spirituality.

Live to love animals and nature. Be kind and mindful. Treat living things with respect and care.

Live for your visions, hopes and dreams. Be creative, inventive and original.

Live to fight against evil and injustice. Be the advocate for those who have no voice.

Teach others to be sometimes still, and other times to roar like a lion.


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mental illness

Pathological People -Charming Psychopaths


Pathological bullies walk amongst us, blending into the social groups…charming their captive audiences….forming cult-like followings of underlings that feel empowered by being allowed into the inner or outer circle of the narcissistic charmer…

Pathological predators watch you with eyes like a lion…sizing up their prey….planning their next move….figuring out your weaknesses….breaking down your strengths … intimidating you by eliciting unwanted feelings in you….

Psychopaths walk amongst us…they sit next to you at the bus stop….read your profile on the latest dating site….review your facebook pictures….pry into your work files….mirror your values in order to disguise themselves….

Pathological, malignant aliens blend into your church….smear you good name behind your back….use sex to manipulate their sexual partners….and the spouses of their sexual partners….

Pathological people have no conscience and feel no remorse for hurting others….causing financial devastatiothoneo individuals and families….destroying everything in their path….practicing facial expressions in the mirror…for emotions they don’t…

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