mental illness, mindfulness, philopsophy, poetry, spirituality

Create Your Path with Wisdom and Thoughtfulness




Weaving our way down the paths we choose

Creating the each foot step simultaneously

with placing our toes exactly in pre-made impressions

An illusion that others have as much influence

Over which way we go, as it seems to us at the time

Travelling without taking enough time to just be still

To connect with our soul and our inner wisdom

Controlled by the false beliefs we hold

Influenced by thoughts we don’t even know are driving us

Feelings that come up without our control

Rarely taking the time to find out what we are actually feeling

Underneath the current of what we are supposed to feel

Actually coming from or why they always come up

At certain times. and in certain scenarios

We must stop and just feel the energies about us

Find the strength to go the direction that we really want to go

The way that serves us, supports us

Allows us to spread our own wings

And protects us from harm



image from Pinterest

emotional wounds, enlightenment, Healing after abuse, mindfulness

Mindfulness about Pain and Sickness





Skin rashes


Back pain

Joint pain


Hang nails


Pink eye


Hair loss


mountain heart.jpg

image from Pinterest



No wonder we become distracted, redirected and forgetful about being in touch with our higher consciousness level selves.

We can’t even call them on the cell phone, never mind ask them to relate to what we go through.

Getting into a higher level state requires detaching from our  physical selves. It is like ignoring the squeakiest wheel. ….and as we know, the squeaky wheel gets the attention.

We can have wonderful intentions of growing towards a higher consciousness level and then we develop some new pain or disorder…whether mental or physical.

We are subjected to all manner of mind control and persuasion techniques by society and the manipulators within it. And our bodies take more and more of a beating as we age.

Beating yourself up over not being able to do certain things is unproductive. It might be that you don’t do certain things well, because those are not the things you were meant to be doing. If you were meant to be doing something, you would feel passionate about it. 

It is effectually beating up yourself with the ideas that someone else put into you. The thoughts you have about not being good enough are programs that were hacked into your brain by others. 



As far as your body goes…it is always trying to help you. Your body wants to protect you, as well as itself. It is the house for the soul and the mind. Your body works hard all the time to repair itself, but it needs your help to do the right things to care for it.


The idea that some people might give you that your body is working against you, is not true. And this very thought will cause a battle between the mind and the body. This will cause disease and sickness.

 Repressing your feelings about things will cause a physical response, because those feelings want to be paid attention to. You may have been conditioned that you have to shut down your feelings.

You may have been taught that it is weak to express your feelings. At the same time, you know that repressing feelings will cause your body to weaken. 

So we have to accept the inner child in order to heal…accept suffering as part of existing in the physical realm….sit with our pain to comfort it to ease it….

walk through painful experiences to get to the light on the other side…


…believe in your own resilience to be able to experience your feelings and care for them…


…and detach from the ego and identifying with our identity in order to achieve a higher consciousness…..

Yet in detaching from our ego we are acknowledging our identity with it… we first have to recognize the ego as a construct that is heavily influenced by brainwashing, false beliefs programmed into us, and manipulative people with their own agendas to serve..

We then can understand that many of our automatic  thoughts and attachments come out of this programming. …making the majority of the tapes running in our subconscious mind basically bad viruses…..and our conscious negative thoughts results of the viruses…..

Then we can begin to understand that We Are Not Our Thoughts….

Once we begin to accept that we are not our thoughts, we can open the subconcious mind to new formatting….better programming….we can alter and add new beliefs…and delete contaminated beliefs…..

A new understanding begins to arise at the back of our brains where those core beliefs are housed….that if our thoughts are not us, then we can observe our thoughts and evaluate their validity….


Holding onto beliefs that no longer serve us is not necessary. In fact it is important to rid yourself of false beliefs that you are holding in your subconscious.


You need to evaluate what beliefs are driving your emotions. Then see which ones are actually your own, and which ones were programmed into you.

 It is the attachment to those addictive beliefs and thought patterns that keeps us controlled by others….and keeps us in learned helplessness….

We are not the sum of our thoughts.


If you think of your thoughts as furniture occupying your brain, you can see how you have the power to arrange it however you wish.  


Rearrange that furniture.  Throw out old pieces that are no longer needed. Add some select new pieces that support you better. You can even re-frame some memories that are keeping you trapped in the picture that you imagine you are trapped in.


The house remains, even when the things inside are altered. Your higher self can guide you to know what thoughts fit you, and what ones are destructive. 

So who is doing the altering and rearranging? It is not our physical selves….It is not our thoughts that are observing themselves….

Once we begin to realize this, then we catch a glimpse of what is doing the observing….It is not within the brain or the physical body….

It is that higher self…the higher consciousness….that can be awakened to observe and repair the subconscious …where suffering is at its roots….


Thoughts about suffering seem to create more suffering…and fear that the suffering will get worse….or continue to last is the root of the most painful mental and physical suffering.


Yet somehow you are beginning to suspect the most curious thing of all….that by entering this kind of trance….that very trance you have allowed your mind to enter while reading this….you were able to detach from your physical suffering for a few minutes…..

And so we took the journey together….just you and I….in a higher realm of consciousness….


Annie – gentlekindness coaching



mental illness, mindfulness, philosophy, spiritual, spirituality

Be What You Imagine You Could Be





As you are walking along your path, you can be who you are at any time, even as you discover new things about your true self. You are not consigned to have to be imprisoned by your past, or the story of your life. It does not have to define you. 

Just think of the story as events that happen to have occurred, and things you have been in the midst of at various times. The choices you made in different circumstances were based on your programming and the beliefs you were holding in your subconscious at the time. 

Many of the beliefs you hold in your subconscious brain, are things that were programmed in by other people you have interacted with, by your family of origin, and by society. Any toxic shame you are carrying was brainwashed into you. Self doubt and ;earned helplessness are other things that come from believing that “you are your story.”

You are not your conditioned thoughts. You are not your story. You are not your past. 

You are infinitely more that anything that has happened to you, and anything you have ever done. You are expansive and go beyond this illusion that you have been told is the only reality that matters. 

There is more to reality than you see. There is more to you than other people tell you. Your feelings and intuition can guide you. You must re-train yourself to feel your feelings without self judgement. Your feelings are not your enemy, and they never mean that there is something wrong with you. 

The more you shove down your true feelings and your true thoughts, the more the illusion draws you in. Who says that your inner thoughts about how your reality should be are wrong, or that they have to be approved by society?

What visions and dreams would you have, if you did not fear your own judgement of yourself? What possibilities are there that you tend to shut down, because you fear the judgement of others? What things have you denied in yourself,  because someone else told you there was something wrong with it? 

You are in this life to explore the dreams and possibilities. You can expand beyond the role you are playing.

This pattern of feeling obligated to repeat the same kinds of behaviors day after day is like a self imposed prison. You can be who you are, even if that does not match what people expect from you.

As a child you had imagination and played out roles and situations in a way that allowed you to explore your ideas and your feelings. Society and the people in your life may have crushed your imagination down, and discounted it as childishness. 

Imagination is one of your greatest gifts. It allows you to explore possibilities and come up with creative solutions for problems. Imagination can take you outside of the box you have been restricted to and to mentally explore your own expansion.

Dream and allow your visions to be free. Imagine and create as you desire. Be who you dream of being. Follow your passions and part the veil that has been limiting your potential to be your true amazing self.

enlightenment, mental illness, mindfulness

Gentlekindness Gentle Awakening Blog Tumblr


awakening blog.gif


I set up a new Tumblr blog GentleAwakening


Topicsyoga, meditation, mindfulness, empowerment, hypnosis, holistic reflexology. spiritual awakening


Follow the gentle awakening tumblr blog HERE


image from tumblr  here

anxiety, emotional healing, life, mental illness, mindfulness

New “Gentle Awakening” Web Site



earrings close 2


Visit my New Web Site

Gentle Awakening at

Be Authentic, Seek Truth, Embrace Your Passion !

Spiritual Holistic Life Coaching

Hypnosis for Emotional Well Being 

Guided Meditation



Personal Growth

Seeking Truth and Re-wiring Conditioned Beliefs

Community for Empaths, Light Workers, Compassionate Truth Seekers, and Otherwise Spiritually Mindful Caring People 

Share This Journey Together and Connect in a Safe Space for Sharing and Exploring


design edited greenelf expression and validation.

We respect and honor the special unique gifts and beliefs of each other.

Seek to explore, examine, share an learn together from the individual personal

perspective of other light workers, healers, empaths  and holistic spiritual minded people. 


emotional abuse, emotional healing, meditation, mental health, mental illness, mindfulness, poetry

Moments of Clarity – Guided Meditation Poetry


feet grass

image from pinterest


You can feel the sensual texture

Of the cold grass under your feet

Its wetness between your toes


The healing warmth of sunlight

Streaming its goodness

Onto your neck and shoulders


And down your arms

Ahead in the distance you see

The most perfect house you can

Imagine with every detail exactly

The way it would have been

If you had built it in a dream


You create, conduct and orchestrate

Each tiny sound that you hear


The sounds occur at once with

Your inner hearing and desires

Each birdsong and the whisper

Of the wind through the

Rustling trees that stand strong

Yet sway with a dance-like magic


As if they are at once set upon

Their wisdom and beliefs yet

Able to adapt and flow with the

Unexpected and the unpredictable

As if they innately realize that


Resilience has the characteristics

Of water as well as of rock…


You venture forward towards

That beautiful dwelling and at once

You recognize it is yours because

It has every tiny detail

In just the perfect way you would

Want it to be and have dared not

Even think to dream of having but


This is the moment to dream

In perfect clarity and minute detail


Yes surely this is the moment

For dreams to become clear

Because we exist in both realms

At once the waking world reality

And the dream state of illusion

Where we dare or where we don’t


Where we can accept what we see

Or create something new



With the paint brush of your imagination


Because the more you believe

Is possible in your dreams

The more you will manifest here


 The physical world that seems unalterable

Compared to your dream reality but

But is actually less solid and set

Than you have been conditioned

to believe and to perceive


By others since the day you were born

But this very moment is not the

Time for thinking nor regret


It is not the time for blidly following

Anyone or anything

Because this moment

Is the only moment there is

The moment that can influence future

but not by worrying about future


This present moment 

That you have been conditioned to discard

For past and for future moments


And interpretations of those

Invisible realities which they will

Tell you are more important

Than the only moment which

Really exists which is now


So revel in its power asleep

Create in its power awake

And open your inner eyes to see

What is hidden but in plain sight







encouragement, mental illness, mindfulness

The Minimalist Lifestyle


Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus are the speakers in this Ted Talk. I really enjoyed their story of how they began their adventure that lead to them creating The Minimalists web site.

They began as bloggers, just like us. They were inspired to start the blog as a way to share their experiences about transforming their highly materialistic, anxiety ridden lifestyle to one of a minimalist style.

Joshua was the first one of the pair of friends to begin to live in the minimalist way. Ryan was being overloaded by his lifestyle and turned to his best friend to find out what it was that seemed to be making him happier.

When Ryan heard what Joshua had to say, the two of them went to work and boxed up Ryan’s entire house full of possessions. To find out what they did next, watch the Ted Talk. It is quite a story.



The blog was started and little by little they got more followers. Now they are in demand as speakers, and have been featured on  ABC, CBS, NBC, BBC, TODAY, NPR, TIME, Forbes, The Atlantic, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and National Post.

They live in Missoula, Montana and both of them had high paying power jobs, and had accumulated lots and lots of stuff, as well as lots of bills.

These guys transformed their entire lifestyle, as well as started a lucrative business teaching other people how to live a simpler, less stressful lifestyle. They adopted something that helped them in their lives, into a business to help others.

anxiety, chronic pain, mental illness, mindfulness

Guided Meditation Lavendar Light

Good night to you. Sending my love and healing energies for you to take hold of. Draw them in as well as the other beautiful energies that are swirling in waves all around you.

Things exist that you do not see because you were programmed not to accept them into your reality. Everything is made of energy and nothing is as permanent or fixed as it may seem.

Close your eyes and let go of what you have always been taught. Let go of what others have told you.

Forget what you know.

As if you have been transported to a new reality. One that you cannot predict based on any information from your experiences.

Open your eyes to discover what it there. Look beyond the obvious, the usual, and the normal.

Expect nothing…expect everything….without predispoosed ideas and conditioned biases.

Don’t fixate your eyes on any particular thing. Breath in the violet colored light energies that are now  flowing into you like waves of light.

As you breath the softness of the lavendar waves you can allow it to fill your body in fullness until it begins to penetrate through you and radiate outwards to surround you in calmness.

Sit in the stregth of stillness and you can feel the beautiful colors of the energies you choose to flow around you and envelope you in safety and now uplifting your consciousness to a higher plane.

You are one with these energies and you are beginning to understand that their movement within you and all around you, is being created by you and at the same time it was always there.

We tend to see what we expect to see but there is more. Your existence and your mind extends beyond the physical body that your spiritual self happens to be living inside of.

You are only confined to the body because you have been taught that this is true. Many beliefs held by your subconscious are restricting.

See with pure eyes and the invisible  becomes visible. Stillness becomes movement. Movement becomes energy that causes your mind to become still and the feelings in your body to detach from discomfort.

Draw the softness of the energies around you and into you as you realize you are one with them.
