affirmations, enlightenment, mental illness, self love, spirituality

Spiritual Message of Empowerment

While we are all connected as humans, we are also individuals. Each one of us a unique spiritual being with our own abilities to perceive reality the way it reveals itself to us.

Everyone may not see things the way you do, or understand the messages that you have to offer.

Don’t let that stop you from believing in yourself and your unique ability to share your light and your message with those around you. For every person that is not ready for what you have to share, there is another person who is seeking the knowledge and perspective you have.

Be uniquely you. Don’t get locked into a big of only perceiving what society tells you is there.

Reach within as you expand your awareness beyond your mind/ body form.

Your existence extends way beyond your skin and your limbs. Listen. Breathe in what is around you. Allow for the unlikely or the unexpected to be there.

Someone is awaiting your very perspective. Never cease to believe in your worth and your value on this planet.

As your consciousness expands, there is a butterfly affect that travels to the four corners of the earth. Just because you cannot always see your influence on the planet dies not mean it does not happen daily.


Annie – gentlekindness coaching