free form poetry, internet guitar lessons, mental illness, poetry, romance, romantic poem, romantic poetry, sad poetry


I remember your laugh

And your long,  rock-star hair

That I used to run my fingers through

And wrap the loops of your curls

Around my fingers with gentle care

It was like a multi-sensory high

Just being with you

Your hands carressed my 20 year old skin

You made me promises I didn’t think you could keep

I left because I thought I could find

Someone who was better than perfect

At 20 I wasn’t so good at figuring

These kinds of things

And now it has been 25 years

And I have met men, loved them,

Married them, dated them,

Been destroyed by them…

And gathered myself in pieces

Up from the dust where they left me

Without ever looking back…

But in two decades of loving and losing

Being a friend and hoping for better

I have never found anyone

That was the kind of best friend you were

Unconditionally accepting me

No matter what I shared

Or anyone that

Lit the passion’s fire quite so high

I have never replaced you

I don’t know why I thought I could

Twenty or so years later

I wish I had not left you

But if I had stayed I never would have

Known just what I had

Time and age can teach lessons

That we can never go back

And fix

But you will always be in my heart

And that has to be enough

life, love poetry, poetry, sad poetry

Midnight Light

The crisp coolness of the night

Cuts sharply against  my skin

The moon watches me silently

Offering a dim illumination of the street

Like a  nightlight  in the darkness

Lighting  my path, but offering no consolation

No comfort  from the moon tonight

No comfort from the midnight light

It’s companionship is not the same

As someone who could whisper my name

And hold my hand to silence the pain

And speak of romance and love again

One step of footsteps where there should be two

I walk through the darkness  lamenting  of you

blogging, lament, life, philosophical poetry, philosophy, poetry, sad poetry, writing challenge

Old Woman’s Pond – my Poem Published on Wolf Publishing Blog

Please take a few minutes to go over to see my poem that was published today on the Wolf Publishing blog.

Poem was written for this week’s challenge. My poem is entitled Old Woman’s Pond

I have not entered any of these poetry challenges before so your support would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you  🙂
