life, NLP, psychology

Derenn Brown Makes Woman ColorBlind Magic Trick with NLP / This is so Cool !

This has got to be one of the coolest things I have ever seen !! This guy performs a kind of magic trick on this random lady in a restaraunt. He uses an NLP technique to cause her to become temporarily color blind.

The technique he uses involves using placement in the space in your mind of certain kinds of beliefs. He has her picture a non solid idea on the left hand side. Her idea which she is not sure about happens to be whether or not she can do well in her college classes.

The he has her picture a solid belief on her right hand side. He certain belief is the house she lives in and the location of her house.

Then he brings the uncertain idea about doing well in college  from the left hand side to the right hand side. This makes her mind associate the uncertain idea with a certain and solid idea space.

Then he brings out 4 color cards and begins to ask her about the colors and how certain she is about those colors.

And the rest……you have to watch this !!