free guitar lessons, guitar, guitar blog, life, music, music lessons

Check it Out ..New Guitar with Annie Post – Free Guitar Lesson Video Posted on Youtube and the WordPress Blog

I just posted a free guitar lesson on my guitar with annie blog. You can see the lesson here. 

You can see me with my guitar and hear me singing. Even if you are not up for playing guitar, you may get a kick out of seeing the video. It is not often that we see each other “in person” so to speak.

The song is Leavin on a Jet Plane by John Denver, This lesson is for beginner to intermediate. If you are a brand new beginner with no experience with chords or chord diagrams, don’t worry. I am planning to make a post that explains about chords , how to place your fingers and how to read and understand the chord diagrams.

The bunny is hopping around in here somewhere. I was watching New Girl on Netflix. It is a very funny sitcom. That is what I was doing while I was making dinner. Then I did the guitar video.

I am trying to keep busy with projects being as my boyfriend broke up with me and I am struggling to emotionally get through the week. It was a devastating collapse of my brain for a few reasons. So, I thought since I have been meaning to record some lessons, this is a good week to start that.

So, check out the guitar blog and let me know if you have any suggestions for songs that you think a lot of people would like to learn. For Skype guitar lessons, I can learn whatever songs the student wants to do.  For the blog, we will stick with songs that will hopefully be ok for many people.

I still have a spot or two open for anyone who wants to do a tryout lesson or two, because I am still getting used to teaching via Skype. I will do a couple of more free lessons for people this week and next week, for anyone that wants to learn something on guitar  while I am learning the Skype.

I am also thinking of some other ideas for connecting musically over Skype, but the ideas are still forming in my brain. I will let you know what I am thinking as my thoughts come to me.

free guitar lessons, guitar, guitar lessons, health, health and wellness, internet guitar lessons, life, mental health, mental illness, music for mental illness

New Blog – Guitar With Annie

Guitar with Annie Blog

I have started a new blog. It is Guitar with Annie Blog. This is a blog for people who play guitar or want to learn to play guitar. I will write about topics related to the guitar, learning guitar and guitar styles and music.

The blog is to promote self esteem and confidence in guitar students. I have many years of experience teaching guitar lessons. I have seen the benefits of learning guitar in many of my students.

I have seen teenagers get better self esteem, which carried over into their school work and social interactions.I have worked with adult students who learned guitar because they always wanted to, but never had the chance. The enjoyed being able to play the songs they love and found practicing and learning to be mentally beneficial and an emotional outlet.

Learning guitar can be beneficial for people suffering from mental illness. I always individualize my teaching style, to the individual student

. I go at the pace that is comfortable for the student. How the person feels about what they are doing, is the most important thing. Everyone has their own pace and their own reasons for learning guitar.

I have taught children and adults with special needs. I even one student with Alzhiemer’s disease.

I have taught very gifted musical teenagers that went on to be music major’s in college. I have taught people that were very serious about their music careers and also people that were just learning for enjoyment.

Guitar can be healing for people with mental illness. There are ways to use guitar as a meditative tool, in order to reduce anxiety and help with depression. This is a specialty and most guitar teachers do not know about this aspect of teaching the guitar.

Teaching is about a connection with the student and creating a safe space for them to learn in. I enjoy creating just the right learning, encouraging and healing atmosphere for my students.

Here is the link to the blog. It is new, so there are only a few posts so far.

Free Guitar Lesson Offer

I am looking for a few people to give free guitar lessons to on Skype, so that I can practice teaching over the internet. I have taught hundreds of lessons in people’s homes and in a music store, but I have not taught online before.

If anyone is interested in doing a couple of free trials, while I learn the Skype, please leave me a note in the comments below. I need a few people that already have a guitar and also have Skype access.

I can only accept about 3 people, for 1-3 free lessons a piece, so if you are interested please let me know.

Blessings to all,
