addiction, blogging, google plus, life, social network, social networking

Google Plus Page Annie Mimi Hall

This is a link to my google plus account page, if anyone wants to follow me there. I will be posting some spoken word poetry and some original guitar songs there. Mostly mental health awareness and encouragement , compassion types of posts.I would love to connect with you all there, if you have a google plus account.

The name on the google plus page is Annie Mimi Hall

Just in case anyone is curious, Mimi is the nickname that my little sister started when she was a baby and could not pronounce the name I had which was Michele. She was trying to say Michele and it came out Mi mi

My new name is Annie . I am not connected to the old names anymore except for keeping the Mimi.

I needed to begin a new identity of myself, in order to feel free of the past traumas. It helps to be called a name that I chose myself and relate to better. I feel more self empowered.

I also like to post funny videos on Google plus that feature my bunny 🙂 He is so cute and funny 🙂