anxiety, comedy, family, funny blog, humorous poetry, insomnia, inspirational, INTROVERT, INTROVERTED, joke, MARRIAGE, top 10 list funny

Annie’s Top 10 List – Things an Introvert Does Not Want to Hear

10. The whole gang is going out tonight. You should join us !

9. You really need to put down that book and do something fun.

8. Honey, my mother just called and said she’s coming to visit for a whole week.

7. Honey, Mom just called back. She can’t come on Tuesday but she’s taking you to her Red Hat Club instead.

6. We are going to throw you and Bob a big party for your anniversary.

5. OK , I understand. We’ll just have a small family get together instead.

4. Surprise !!!

3. “Family, friends and loved ones. As you know, Annie and I have been dating for six months and I wanted you all to be here when..”  (  “Annie? Annie? She was here a minute ago ” )

2.  The new girl always takes the whole office out for drinks!

1. Are your parents coming in the delivery room too, or just mine?

anxiety, comedy, family, funny blog, humorous poetry, inspirational, joke, life, MIDDLE AGED WOMEN, single mom, top 10 list funny, top ten list funny, WOMEN IN THEIR 40'S, working mom

Top 10 Things That Annie Does Not Want to Hear

10.  You look great for 48 !

9.  You’re 48 ?  Wow, I would have thought you were only 42 or 43 !

8.  You are doing a great job parenting, for a single Mom.

7.  On your day off you should spend the whole day cooking and then freeze the meals.  It would save you a lot of  trouble.

6.  Since it’s your day off and you won’t have anything to do,  you should…

5. I’ve never been there myself,  but you really should go.

4. Don’t worry Mom, the policeman said…

3.  Hi  Mom. I’m okay but…

2.  You know where the yellow car always parks? Turn right after you see it.

1. You can’t miss it  !

addiction, addictive personality, anxiety, depression, healing poetry, health, humorous poetry, mental disorders, mental health, ocd, poetry, psychology, spoken word

OCD / Obsessively Compulsively Disorderly Sadly Humorous Poetry

One time
in a row
putting on
my favorite
and purple

Two times
in a row
changing which foot
the orange sock
is on
and off
and on
and off

Three times
in a row
walking back up
two flights of steps
to my apartment
to check
to check
to check
That the iron was unplugged

Four times
in a row
unzipping my wallet
to see
to see
to see
If my credit card is there

Five times
in a row
checking my purse
The first most critical
The second most critical
The third most critical
Bottle of pills

Five times
in a row
my shift schedule
posted on the wall
at work.

And one
additional time
calling from home
to have someone
at work
read it to me
over the phone

Seven times
in a row
checking my alarm clock
To be sure
To be sure
To be absolutely, positively sure
That I set it
For 11 am and not 11 pm

And so—
Eight anxiety books
Nine blogs
Ten prescriptions
Eleven Youtube videos
Twelve Yoga postures later

I am saying
to all of you
And wishing you a
Peaceful Sleep