anxiety, bipolar, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, depression, mental health, mental illness

People Ask “How Are You?” and Don’t Even Listen to the Answer

how are you

10 thoughts on “People Ask “How Are You?” and Don’t Even Listen to the Answer”

  1. This is sadly so true. it’s rare to find someone who listens with their mind fully engaged. This was the driving force behind our blog. G2 and I wanted to create a place where people who needed to be heard could be heard. We very much enjoy your posts!

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    1. Thank you 🙂 It is good for being to be able to speak and be validated. Everyone is so much in a hurry about their own agenda that they forget that connecting with others, even for a minute or two, can be meaningful.
      Thank you for reading

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  2. Because they are too absorbed in themselves, lack empathy and hate to think or share opinions. It’s too much of an effort for them. The downside of their attitude is that they remain stupid and boring.

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