abnormal psychology, blogging, mental disorders, mental health, mental health writers guild, mental illness

I Have Guest Posts at 2 Blogs Today !

I am very happy yo say that this was a day that I woke up to a nice surprise 🙂  I had guest posts at two different bogs go live today! I have been busily checking back and forth between them, in order to answer the comments.

This was unexpected to  have both of these writings of mine posted within hours of each other. I don’t think it will ever happen again. But it is fun to enjoy it today 🙂

I had anticipated my post at the TMU (Thoughtful Minds Unite) blog to go live this morning. The administrator , Felicia, had been corresponding with me for 2 weeks about this post. We had arranged everything for it to go up today.


Late last night , or early this morning when I was still awake from insomnia , I suddenly felt inspired to write something for the Mental Health Writers Guild. I sent it to Kevin and asked if he could take a look at it, to consider posting sometime.

This morning in my email was a note from Kevin that my post had gone live on Mental Health Writers Guild. I was happy and surprised at the fast turnaround.


I checked the rest of my inbox and found the email from felicia to the link for my post at the TMU blog.

I will let you know more about these blogs that I chose and why I wanted to write for them, later today. I am busy checking on the comments at both sites and also my bunny rabbit wants me to go to Pet Smart and buy him his favorite food. He is ringing his bell at me now. So cute !

