12 thoughts on “Shine!”

    1. Yes I understand. I am getting back into teaching guitar lessons again.

      Years ago, before I had kids, I taught music at a high school , then taught private guitar lessons at a music store in the evening, and a few of my own private students at their homes. I taught music class once a week at a day care.

      I also had about one gig a month playing at a restaurant, party, bar or festival of some sort. I performed solo acoustic guitar and vocals. Mostly rock, rock and roll and some folk.

      I miss playing out but I am not ready to do that right now. I need to get back into teaching because I am underemployed at my job and it is getting to my back and spine too much.

      I am hoping to make some guitar teaching videos tomorrow. I have a few videos of me just playing songs. I think a couple of them are covers and one is an original. I can send you the links.

      I believe that I posted them at my Annie Mimi Hall youtube channel. I have 2 youtube channels but I am pretty sure most of the guitar is on the Annie one.

      I am sorry you are having a hectic schedule. I hope you can get some rest tonight. It is fun making a living as a musician at first and we all dreamed in high school that it would be so awesome. But it can get more like work, which is a shame.

      If there is time for a special project that is meaningful, then that helps to keep the inspiration, but making a living has to happen first, as you know.

      I have been having insomnia issues from anxiety and stress. I am having a small glass of wine right now. I do not drink much so maybe it will help. I have to get up to take my 12 year old to an appt tomorrow so somehow I have to sleep.

      Right now i am trying to get up the nerve to do a youtube video that is to help victims of narcissistic abuse. I do not know why I am procrastinating.

      Thank you for connecting with me

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I am so happy to read your posts. Many things you say resonate with me. I’m so sorry i am late on replying. I have such a busy schedule.
        You bring up many issues I dealt with (and still do to a degree) from the past. Abuse comes in many forms and men can suffer from it too.
        But, I feel like I am over it and no longer allow it. Well, I think so anyway.
        Narcissistic abuse? I’m unclear on that still.
        Please direct me to help in understanding it.
        I was always called that in my last marriage. She still goes there when she wants to jab at me.
        Hey, do your video if you haven’t yet.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I gave you some links to watch. Let me know if you are able to open them or not.
        The best youtube videos about narcissistic abuse and recovering from narcissistic abuse are by

        Spartan Life Coach – Overcoming Narcissistic Abuse video and Effect of Narcissistic Abuse video

        Then there is Self Care Haven – Five Powerful Ways Narcissistic Abusers Get Inside Your Head

        Check these out and see of anything rings a bell from what you experienced.

        I am happy to talk to you about it. If you went through any kind of mental abuse then it helps to talk and also to do research to learn more about the personality disorder that your abuser had. It can be figured out.

        I have guitar videos on Youtube. I have one or two posted on the Guitar with Annie wordpress blog.
        But if you go to Annie Mimi Hall at youtube you will see some.

        I made a few more last week but have not put them up yet. The day after I made them, i ended up in the ER and then admitted to the hospital with a severe intestinal infection. I was in the hospital for 3 days.
        I am getting things back together now.
        Talk to you soon

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Dear Annie I hope you are feeling better. I will worry until you are strong again.
        I’ll go to your videos. I’m excited to see them. I’m looking at the links too.
        You are kind and generous.

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh that’s so sweet of you! That means a lot. You know, I let out a lot of mental anguish out when I play, but I’m still going against long odds sometimes. So, I have great up days and a “beat the world” attitude 6 days a week. But, there’s that one day that just sets you back.
        hate that.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Probably when you are busy with work, you push emotional things down. The seventh day is when everything comes back up to choke you. Anyone who has had abuse in their past, is likely to still carry some of it with them. It can be handled, but it never completely goes away.

      If your ex wife is still giving you “jabs” as you said, then there is ongoing torment of some kind.
      How old is your son? Do you have one child?

      My daughters are 12 and 18. I was older than most people when I had them, so that is why they are younger than the kids of my friends. I am 49.
      There are still a lot of problems, due to having to deal with their father…but more so his family. HIs parents have narcissistic personalities and enjoy being manipulative and mentally torturous. But as you know, when we have kids, we have to continue to deal with people that we would be better off to have out of our lives forever.

      I am fighting to become mentally more balanced and stronger, in spite of the mental abuse of these people.

      My daughters are beautiful, intelligent, talented and independent minded, just as I raised them to be, Have you ever noticed that when you are a musician everyone, especially non-musicians ask you if your children are musicians too?

      My daughters are artists, in different types of art. They can sing, but i did not force guitar on them. They have to be their own people.

      Feel free to talk anytime. This blogging world is where I connect with people. Other than work, I am isolated here.I am very glad that I have met so many supportive people on wordpress. Maybe it is the nature of my blog, or the blogs I follow.



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