anxiety, depression, empowerment, gentle kindness coaching, gentle mental annie, giraffe, giraffes, healing poetry, love, mental health, mental illness

Love and Magic is Still Left in the World

giraffe baby

photo from and pinterest

Look at this baby giraffe. Isn’t it cute? This reminds me that there is magic and love in the world.


photo by me. This is an old woman holding my hand. I used to take care of her years ago, She had a wonderful soul and heart. I have always loved this picture of our hands together.


picture from Pinterest

8 thoughts on “Love and Magic is Still Left in the World”

  1. That is the cutes giraffe picture ever….so tiny…..I love hand pictures….I have one of my mother and my hands that someone took at some point when we were all together and they sent me a copy after she passed….I love it, My daughter also had my mom’s and her hands taken together at her wedding, and I have had that framed in my home for 7 years….there is something moving about hand being held with love….thanks for the great pictures…kat

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    1. I love the picture with the hands too. I happened to have my cell phone that day, which was unusual. I did not carry it at work because I had lost more than one phone that way. But I had it and this beautiful lady took my hand and I thought it was so sweet, I was able to balance the camera with the other hand which was tricky.

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