mental illness, poem, poems for poets, poetry




His delicious words spilled out upon the page

Like sensual kisses so perfectly placed

She drank them in like drops of sin

And like green ivy vines, those words intertwined

The seducer and the seduced

The dance went on late into the night

As she hung on his every sweet word

Failing to notice his predator’s stare

Or the small drops of blood on his vest

She couldn’t resist giving in to desire

Till his teeth sunk deep into her flesh



image from Pinterest

mental illness, poetry

Going the Wrong Speed

Do you ever feel like your speed is off kilter?
Like you’re walking through time and space by yourself
Not keeping in time with everyone else
Your step seems just fine but it doesn’t keep time
With the other feet and toes that walk along the street
Your swagger and pace just do not sway so neat
The beat of the drum that the other ones walk to
Seems like a distant and far away sound
Your dreams want to pull your two feet off the ground
Your rhythm is different than those that conform
But this is all right if your speed is your own
And it picks up and slows as you walk down the road
For the misfits and the lovers and the artists keep time
With a different kind of rhythm from their own unique mind
So choose your own colors and paint your own rhyme !
#narcissistic abuse, mental illness, poem, poetry


eliza 2.

image from pinterest


The midnight wind swept her hair

Like silken darkness across her face

She glanced once from side to side

Then continued with bold strides

Across broken rocks and fallen branches


Her aching feet finally arriving

Toes pointed toward the black iron gates

Eliza removed an object from her bag

Moonlight splashing a reflection

Onto the cold steel of the barrel


She thrust as hard as her body could bare

And the object flung over the gates

Into the blackness of the overgrowth

That strangled the cemetary markers

Looking like strange alien spiders


The cold black steel disappeared

The evidence was swallowed up

Never to have existed in the first place

Eliza trembled at her imagination

Half with dread and half with remorse

That she could never pull the trigger

Even pointed at that god forsaken monster


The sound of her name broke the silence

And echoed through the streets

She turned towards the direction

From where the creature was beckoning

Dropping her face and hunching forward

She slowly began to make her way back

To home where the creature kept her




free form poetry, mental illness, moon, poetry

Strawberry Moon

Mystical mother moon

Flood me with your beautiful dreams

Of timeless memories from past and future

Intertwined and masterfully mixed

Into this one moment of silence bewitched

Gracing me with your empowerment

For I am more that my earthly story

And I am expansive beyond this narrative

That tries to hold me to its limitations

I am one with you and all of your dreams

Your wondrous ever changing color schemes

The surging passion that your magic brings

Envelope me in your hypnotic streams

Of arising consciousness

And new found dreams

emotional abuse, emotional healing, meditation, mental health, mental illness, mindfulness, poetry

Moments of Clarity – Guided Meditation Poetry


feet grass

image from pinterest


You can feel the sensual texture

Of the cold grass under your feet

Its wetness between your toes


The healing warmth of sunlight

Streaming its goodness

Onto your neck and shoulders


And down your arms

Ahead in the distance you see

The most perfect house you can

Imagine with every detail exactly

The way it would have been

If you had built it in a dream


You create, conduct and orchestrate

Each tiny sound that you hear


The sounds occur at once with

Your inner hearing and desires

Each birdsong and the whisper

Of the wind through the

Rustling trees that stand strong

Yet sway with a dance-like magic


As if they are at once set upon

Their wisdom and beliefs yet

Able to adapt and flow with the

Unexpected and the unpredictable

As if they innately realize that


Resilience has the characteristics

Of water as well as of rock…


You venture forward towards

That beautiful dwelling and at once

You recognize it is yours because

It has every tiny detail

In just the perfect way you would

Want it to be and have dared not

Even think to dream of having but


This is the moment to dream

In perfect clarity and minute detail


Yes surely this is the moment

For dreams to become clear

Because we exist in both realms

At once the waking world reality

And the dream state of illusion

Where we dare or where we don’t


Where we can accept what we see

Or create something new



With the paint brush of your imagination


Because the more you believe

Is possible in your dreams

The more you will manifest here


 The physical world that seems unalterable

Compared to your dream reality but

But is actually less solid and set

Than you have been conditioned

to believe and to perceive


By others since the day you were born

But this very moment is not the

Time for thinking nor regret


It is not the time for blidly following

Anyone or anything

Because this moment

Is the only moment there is

The moment that can influence future

but not by worrying about future


This present moment 

That you have been conditioned to discard

For past and for future moments


And interpretations of those

Invisible realities which they will

Tell you are more important

Than the only moment which

Really exists which is now


So revel in its power asleep

Create in its power awake

And open your inner eyes to see

What is hidden but in plain sight







mental illness


Do you ever feel like your speed is off kilter?
Like you’re walking through time and space by yourself
Not keeping in time with everyone else
Your step seems just fine but it doesn’t keep time
With the other feet and toes that walk along the street
Your swagger and pace just do not sway so neat
The beat of the drum that the other ones walk to
Seems like a distant and far away sound
Your dreams want to pull your two feet off the ground
Your rhythm is different than those that conform
But this is all right if your speed is your own
And it picks up and slows as you walk down the road
For the misfits and the lovers and the artists keep time
With a different kind of rhythm from their own unique mind
So choose your own colors and paint your own rhyme !
free form poetry, funny poem, funny post, mental illness, poem, poetry

🍸🍹Silly New Year’s Eve Poem 🍷🍹

Happy New Year to all of you

I could not wear my high heal 👠👠

I tried them on but my 👣 must have grew

So then I drew a 💖 for you

I thought I might ask you for a 💋😘

But I ate some 🎂that looked like this  🍰

I did my hair and tied it with a 🎀

Then painted my finger 💅 and my toes

All dressed up with no place to go

I went outside to see the 🌙🌖

Came back inside to wrap  a  gift 📦 for you

Used the 🎀 from my up in hair

But that 🍦 🍧melted far too soon

Wrote you a song 🎶 on my 🎸

Went back outside to see the 🌠🌌

Came back in again to play 🎹 for awhile

Then wrote this poem to make you 😄












mental illness, mindfulness, poetry, silence, spoken word

Only the Sound of the Wind



No people around

Peace to think 

Only the sounds

of the beautiful wind

It was probably making those noises before

Covered up by the all the noise

Everyone calling

Wanting something

Endless demands

Endless interruptions

There is a gentle peace in solitude

If only for an hour

Late in the night

Sometimes I think


is my way to have a few hours

of solitude 

and quiet

The incessant stream of hearing my name

Knowing that I will be interrupted

That the peace will be disturbed 

at any time

during the daylight hours

It wears on me

It makes my long for

The quiet of the night

Finally here







Except for the sounds

of the

Magical  Wind

empowerment, life, poem, poetry, self love, self-esteem, self-help

The Oneness of All

Why do they tell me

Who they think I should be

I know who I am

I’m Annie 

That’s me

I know what I like and I

know what I don’t


of the ocean


of the grass

 Taste of sweet kisses

Touch of a hand

Two spirits connecting


and love


In the right place

Where they go

True hearts when they break

Tears when they flow

These things are important

I know it is so

So don’t try

to woo me

With gossip

and shame

Manipulation by trying

to make me feel less than sane

The truth

is quite plain

Mundane conversation

Just bores me to death

My call

is to people

With truth on their breath

I speak what I feel

And I speak what I know

Humanity’s oneness

Should be

the first goal

Love unconditional

Mercy and grace

If you look

in your hearts

You will see

a small trace

Of truth

as it is

And truth

that is all

What matters


The oneness

of all

No one deserves less

No one should feel invisible

We were born with a wholeness

Deserving what we dream

For what you imagine is

your legitimate dream

You can create your own life

and You Matter 

It’s true

The feelings you feel

Are telling something to you