coloring, depression, life, mental illness

Fairy and Mermaid Coloring Pages

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Artist Phee McPhaddell has some free fantasy coloring pages you can print out. I have been getting into coloring for anxiety reduction. I bought a few coloring books on Amazon and I came across these fantasy coloring pages today at this site. It is called Enchanted Designs Fairy and Mermaid Blog. You can see more by going there. 

failry coloring 4

5 thoughts on “Fairy and Mermaid Coloring Pages”

    1. I remember about 20 years ago I found some Velum Stained Glass coloring books at Michael’s Arts and Crafts store. I did not know if they were for kids or adults but I did not care. I bought my favorite ones and some markers. I loved those stained glass coloring books. I will have to check on Amazon and see if they have them anymore.

      You could hang the pictures in window and when the light shined through they were awesome.

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