abusive relationships, mental illness

Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

Mythology is hinged upon

Good vs. Evil

And the most ugly emotions

Like envy and greed

Old stories show

Characters with evil intentions

And ways that they

Manipulate the unsuspecting

With deception, cunning,

And using a victim’s good nature

Against them

Even the Bible shows

How predators

Disguise themselves

And blend in among others

By appearing to be




Or posing as someone

Completely different

From who they really are…

Eve was deceived by the serpent

In a story that warns us

About deception

And the charm of a lying predator. .

Yet the concept of someone

Who can effectively blend

into society or a social group

While hiding their

Malicious agenda

Behind a well crafted mask

Is still unbelievable to people

Or they think they could

See through such a persona

Were it to engage them in

Light chatter

Or furious intellectual debate

But the truth…

Of the predator vs. prey dynamic

Exists all around you

On your facebook friend list

At your church

Your job and your local school

In the PTA meeting

And in the home

Of your friend or neighbor…

At least 1 in 25 people

Have a predatorial social construct

As part of their cognitive and

Emotional makeup

Predators vs prey

Good nature vs. Insidious intent

Make no mistake

1 in 25

Is somewhere  on the

psychopathic spectrum

Seeing you as prey

And planning how

To have you for their dinner

To feed their entitlement

And sadistic impulses




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