c-ptsd, mental illness

Stream of Consciousness Writing – Becoming Yourself

I did not post much over the weekend because I have been taking care of my daughter who has been sick.

Hopefully the antibiotics are working now. I am at work now but I will be able to check in to see how she is doing in a few hours. Tuesdays I usually babysit until 6 pm.

I have been listening to Eckhart Tolle on youtube. It kept me calm throughout the weekend. He is so interesting.

The way he describes his experience with enlightenment is an 80 percent reduction in thoughts.

I agree with what he says about our thought patterns being conditioned by society and family.

Any negative thoughts that evoke guilt or shame are un-natural. They are “programs” that we were infected with.

It is not that you should not have remorse if you cause harm to another person. That is not what I am referring to when I talk about shame.

People that grew up with emotional abuse…or other types of abuse….were “conditioned” to feel shame in such a deep way that they feel like there is something innately wrong with them.

Emotional abuse over an on-going period of time warps thought patterns and in effect “brainwashes” the person into believing things thay are not true.

These false beliefs become imbedded in the subconcious brain very deeply. When certain thoughts repeat over and over in your brain, they alter your perception of reality.

Eckharte Tolle teaches us to take moments to “be in the Now,” and this means without any connection to the past or the future.

I have come to realize, from my own studies, that your memories are not accurate. They are interpretations of events from times that you were only able to interpret the meaning of things from your own “conditioned”  brain.

The real “self” that you actually are,  is not tied to these events, or to the story of your life. Those situations and interactions do not have to define you.

The views of other people about “who you are” and what you can and cannot do, are not fully true. People view who you are through their own biases, conditioned views, and with their own story as a basis for their perception.

We do not have to accept “the mirror” that others say refects us. People we know have difficulties seeing us beyond what they expect to see.

If you want to practice being a more authentic version of yourself, you have to do it with strangers and when you meet people in settings away from people you know.

Your family is more likely to keep putting you back into your “proper box” whereas when you go into a different environment, you can expand beyond those restrictions of the perception of others.