bloggers, blogging, blogging styles, blogging tips, mental illness, writers, writing

What is the Meaning of Blogging?



.Image source Pinterest


I had to take a break from blogging for a few weeks, due to needing to deal with a financial emergency. I have managed to begin to recover the situation now, and I am glad to be back here to say hello to all of you. 



I missed the connection with all of my lovely followers, and the gentle clicking of the laptop keys as I watch the words flow out as if they have a mind of their own.


Words can have magic and power. They have the power to inspire and uplift. And they have the power to destroy and crush.




image from PINTEREST


Some people wield words to brag and give the impression of importance in the grand story of their lives.


Others use words to manipulate and to lure unsuspecting victims to their demise.


 Still others, simply seek to reach out for that elusive human connection, and to convey compassion and deep meaning to the readers. 


And some writers seek to entertain, to delight and bring laughter and inspiration to their readers.


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.image source PINTEREST                                           image source PINTEREST


While others see writing as therapy and a way to discover and express the thoughts both hidden and exposed. 


No matter what, words are a tool that are used by each person in their own unique way. We are all connected in the universe and part of a greater humanity.


The feelings and experiences of one person, can be felt and related to …by someone on the other side of the world.


Blogging is a way for us to hang onto our humanity, in a world that continues to get more technical and where people spend more time staring at screens than they do into the eyes and faces of other people.


 What are  the things that matter the most to all of us? What are the questions and the puzzles that we seek to solve?  


What are the emotions and thoughts that arise from the farthest reaches of our subconscious, when we lay in bed at night? 


Let’s see what you have to say.


Write your thoughts and feelings down. See them flow out from your fingertips and onto the laptop screen. 


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.image source PINTEREST


Whether you be new to blogging, or a seasoned practitioner… your voice is needed by someone who is waiting to read just the very words you are about to write.


There is a heart and a mind that is needing to hear just the very thing that you are about to type. So get blogging and keep those thoughts flowing !

blogging, mental illness

All the Comforts of Mom ?

From time to time, I look up a random topic of interest to me, just to learn something and also to see if it is something I might want to write about. As I was doing this tonight, I came upon this diagram, which I thought might make some interesting discussion is the comments section of this post.

I was researching  “transitional objects” which are objects that children have in order to help them transition to being away from the comfort of their mother. This diagram is supposed to symbolize how the object helps the child transition from the comfort of a loving mother, to self comforting with an an object like a teddy bear.

Is it just me, or does anyone else find this image of the mother less than comforting? 

Oh my God, I think if this was the mother I would need a comfort object just to be around her !

She looks psychotic and creepy to me. Isn’t it weird that of all the drawings they could have made for the comforting mother, that they made this one?

Is it just me, or is this picture disturbing ? She looks like she might eat the baby for dinner…

I wonder what this artist’s idea of “mother” really is?  I assume this drawing was made particularly for this diagram and that the face was supposed to depict “comforting.” 

Very weird…

Hopefully this poor baby’s teddy bear has a more comforting face than his mother does.

transitional objects

image from Wikipedia – link HERE

adult children of narcissists, aftermath of narcissistic abuse, Dealing with difficult personalities, mental illness, narcissism, narcissistic abuse

Empath and Red Squiggles

The words “empath” and “empathy” come up with red squiggles on my laptop. I believe that “empath” also comes up wrong on my cell phone.

What is wrong with the world?… when words like “hateful” …”prejudice”…”malicious” …and  “psychopath” come up just fine, because there is a need to use those words all the time.  But “empath” and “empathy” are not important enough for them to add to the common word list

depression, mental illness

Solitary Poetess

She sits in the dim light of a dusty room

Wrapped in shawls of brown and blue

The soft knitted hat from a yard sale last year

Is pulled down quite tightly to cover her ears

To dull any sounds that the old house might make

That could trigger her brain into darkness or fear

She holds a black ink pen in lovely white fingers and

Scribbles out verses about the lonely ghost that lingers

The curtains blow suddenly, like a gust of wind has come

But the windows are all closed … locked tight as a drum

There is no one else there, as for friends, she has none

She lives all alone as a solitary poet

And spills out her pain into words on the page

In the corners of the room, she has stacked up her life

Every day has been written, each page is in order

 The curtains blow again, though the window is latched

 Nobody anywhere to mourn her

blogging, empowerment, inspirational, mental illness, writing

Follow Your Dreams

People will try to force you into a box. You are supposed to fit into one of the pre-made boxes of society. Your family may also expect you to fit into a box that they have assigned to you. 

You only have this life to be free and to experience all that you can and all that you want to. If you are stuck living in someone else’s box , then you cannot spread your wings and fly. 

The boxes are all the same ones that other people have fit into before. It just makes you a cardboard cut-out of other people. But you are unique and unlike anyone who has come before you.

You have can blossom and follow your own dreams. Listen to your true inner voice. Every time you push your true voice down, your authentic self is rejected. This rejection lowers your self esteem and self confidence. 

It is bad enough that other people minimize you, reject your ideas, and try to mold you into something you are not. You do not have to do it to yourself. 

The tendency to undermine yourself, and minimize yourself is something that was programmed into you by other people, when you were young. Any guilt you feel about expressing yourself, is also programmed into you by society and / or your family. 

Beliefs that you hold must be examined carefully , so you can let go of any beliefs that no longer serve you.

Your ideas are valid. They do not have to be perfect.

Ideas are starting places to create your unique path.

Your dreams are there for a purpose.

Don’t let anyone tell you what you can and cannot accomplish. You can figure that out as you follow your heart, your true thoughts and your real values. 

blogging, humanity, inspirational, mental illness, writing, writing tips

Humanity of Writing

Writers Can Touch The Humanity In Their Readers

Humanity is messy, lonely, complex, sad, magical, mystical and beautiful.  In order to touch your readers in personal way,  pour your real feelings and original thoughts and ideas into your writing. Share your personal reality, and the truth as you perceive it, without trying to go along with the what others tell you that you are supposed to believe. Writing is where you can be real. 


blogging challenge, mental illness, poetry, writing, writing challeges

Writing Challenge “Alphabetical About” Yourself Poem

Artistic Annie

Beaded Jewelry


Faulty…but Growing…
Has Imagination

Jentlekindness blog…Just Kidding !



Musical Muse
Not Overly Predictable
Questioning, Reasoning


Very Warm
X-rated (when it is called for ;))


Zest for something more

Now try one of your own  “Alphabetic About”  poems.
 Post a link to your post, in the comments below 🙂
blogging, blogging challenge, blogging community, mental illness

JusJoJan Linda Gill’s Writing Fun !

This is for the JusJoJan writing prompt from Linda Gill’s Blog. You can see more about this writing prompt challenge HERE. The rules are very reasonable and allow for your personal freedom of creativity to flow, so go over and check out the rules and give it a try ! 

Writing prompt ONENESS

Oneness is a funny word because it looks wrong, when I see it spelled right in front of me. If you look at it in a different way, you can see O NEN ESS …as opposed to ONE NESS.

Or you might even see ON EN ESS, which is entirely different altogether. But now we are just being a bit silly. 

Personally, I like the sound of words that end in “ESS” because they sound so feminine and pretty.

For a master list of words ending in “ess” see this link HERE.  This is from the Word Info web site. 

Some of my favorite “ess” words are countess. duchess, mistress, and enchantress and sorceress.

According to the Word Info site,  these particular words came from the French language. The Word Info site says that they got this information from The Barnhart Dictionary of Etymology, Robert K. Barnhart. 

Being a poet and a musician / songwriter myself,  I find certain words more appealing that other ones.

Some words sound more musical than others. Of course that depends on the kind of music you are writing. Other words fit better into poetry…again depending on the mood and style of what you are writing. 

Words for songs, need to sound the way you want them to, and also fit into the rhythm of the song. Poetry also has a rhythm to it. Certain styles have strict rhythms and other are more flexible, or can alternate rhythmic patterns. 

Music is listened to, so the way the words appear on a page is not as important.

Poetry however, is often read from the page, so the appearance of the words and how they create the shape of the poem, can be important.

I sometimes choose certain words because I like the way they make the poem look, in addition to the way it sounds, when the words are flowing off the tongue.

To me the word ONENESS looks like it is spelled wrong.  

However, I did actually use this word in a poem I wrote quite awhile ago.

I will copy and paste the poem at the bottom of this post. Since I had already written a poem with this theme, I did not choose to write another one for this post. 

The concept of ONENESS offers all kinds of possibilities to write about. You could have many people given that same concept to write about, and you would get just as many points of view and perspectives about oneness. 

But only one of us wrote about how the word looks on the page….just because she just had to be different !


The Oneness of All


Why do they tell me
Who they think I should be?
I know who I am
I’m Annie 
That’s me
I know what I like and I
know what I don’t
of the ocean
of the grass
 Taste of sweet kisses
Touch of a hand
Two spirits connecting
and love
In the right place
Where they go
True hearts when they break
Tears when they flow
These things are important
I know it is so
So don’t try
to woo me
With gossip
and shame
Manipulation, by trying
to make me feel
less than sane
The truth
is quite plain
Mundane conversation
Just bores me to death
I am drawn 
 to the people
With truth on their breath
I speak what I feel
And I speak what I know
Humanity’s oneness
Should be
the first goal
Love unconditional
Mercy and grace
If you look
in your hearts
You will see
a natural trace
Of truth
as it is
And truth
that is all
What matters
The oneness
of all
No one deserves less
No one should feel invisible
We were born with a wholeness
And propensity to dream
For what you can imagine
is an endless stream
You can create your own life
and You Matter 
It’s true
The feelings you feel
Are telling
something to you
blogging, mental illness

Stream of Consciousness Writing -no editing

When you feel like you cannot think of anything to write about, think about what the nature of blogging is. Yes, I know that some people blog just as an extension of their business, but even so…their business is a refection of them…a reflection of their dreams, thoughts and feelings.

Blogging is a unique venue that has special qualities to it. Each person’s blog shows them as a unique person. Each and every single blog on WordPress is completely unique.

The feel of the blog, even from the very first page, feels like the person it belongs to. It is like walking into someone’s house. It smells like their personality. It is decorated to their personality. It has colors and representations of their personality.

Your personality is muti-faceted, and muli-dimensional. You have various interests and you have opinions about the world around you.

Your blog is the one place where you can talk about your feelings and opinions about this world, the people in it, and what it is like living life from inside of you.

You do not have to stick to your main theme topic all the time…that is if you have a main theme. You can write anytime of day, about anything that you feel something about.

Your blog is free for people to read. So, if they don’t like what you do on your blog, then tell them to ask for their money back and don’t let the door hit them on their ass on their way out.

Whatever thoughts you are thinking about, you can write about. You don’t have to be right. Maybe it is just a thought you had about something that is a little different than you have heard before.

You can go outside the box and you do not have to color between the lines. The blogging world is one of the last true “freedom of the press” expressions we have left…at least in the U.S.  The newspapers and the media are bias. Clearly the people writing for the major papers are not really able to experience “freedom of the press” like the early newspaper reporters when the governments were not so controlling over them.

We have our freedom for now and that is truly exciting. It is something you can feel passionate about. I am aware that we have bloggers from countries where there is no freedom of the press at all.

They do not even have the personal, religious, or other rights that some of us take for granite much of the time. But they set up their blogs anonymously and are able to speak their minds and write what they feel.

Can’t think of anything to write about? Maybe you are really wondering if what you can think of to write about will be interesting enough or accepted by the readers.

As long as you are not hurting anyone, or bullying anyone with your writing, you can write about whatever is on your mind. Try a “Stream of Consciousness” writing like I am doing now.

I did not have anything at all in mind when I sat down to type. I just decided I wanted to blog about something, and this is what came out.

Embrace your freedom in the blogging world. I believe that in this day and age of governmental controls, and company controls over us, that blogging is a prescious thing.

