affirmations, enlightenment, mental illness, self love, spirituality

Spiritual Message of Empowerment

While we are all connected as humans, we are also individuals. Each one of us a unique spiritual being with our own abilities to perceive reality the way it reveals itself to us.

Everyone may not see things the way you do, or understand the messages that you have to offer.

Don’t let that stop you from believing in yourself and your unique ability to share your light and your message with those around you. For every person that is not ready for what you have to share, there is another person who is seeking the knowledge and perspective you have.

Be uniquely you. Don’t get locked into a big of only perceiving what society tells you is there.

Reach within as you expand your awareness beyond your mind/ body form.

Your existence extends way beyond your skin and your limbs. Listen. Breathe in what is around you. Allow for the unlikely or the unexpected to be there.

Someone is awaiting your very perspective. Never cease to believe in your worth and your value on this planet.

As your consciousness expands, there is a butterfly affect that travels to the four corners of the earth. Just because you cannot always see your influence on the planet dies not mean it does not happen daily.


Annie – gentlekindness coaching


#narcissistic abuse, abusive relationships, anxiety, chronic pain, mental illness

Ten Messages About Self Care and Self Love

.bed self care

image from Pinterest  HERE


1. Self care and kindness.


2. It is okay to need things.


3. You deserve to have things that you want, just like everyone else does.


4. It is not selfish to prioritize your emotional and mental health, over what other people want.


5. You are not “the only” person who can help someone, no matter what tell you. With the exception of your children under your cate, other people can and will find someone else to help them if you need to tell them NO.


6. It is okay to tell people NO, if you do not want to do something. Notice how many times they have helped you or not helped you. Some people always take from others and never give. Save your energies for someone who will really appreciate you.

.bed room

image from Pinterest HERE


7. You can and should be comfortable in your surroundings. Taking time to declutter your bedroom and set things up nicely is a good use of your time. If you need to give out a few NO’s to people who are sucking your time….then do so.


8. Sleep is not wasted time. Sleep is a necessary altered state of our consciousness. Part of our life is existing on that alternate plane of reality. It integrates your conscious mind with your subconscious.



image from Pinterest HERE



9. Eat from all the food groups. Think ahead about planning your food for the week and include healthy snacks. Low blood sugar causes brain fog, confusion, memory problems and fatigue.


10. You are equally worthy and valuable to anyone else on the planet. Negative “self talk” is actually bad programming and corruption of your brain software, put in like a malicious virus by emotionally abusive people.

anxiety, blogging, c-ptsd, codependence, mental illness

A Message for You

I have not posted in a coupl3 of days. I have not been feeling well. I think I have some sort of a sinus infection combined with anxiety from PTSD.

I fell asleep when I gor home today at 6 pm and just woke up now at midnight. I am goung to go back to sleep after I do this. I just took some pain medicatiin for the headache.

The weather in New Jersey has been beautiful. Hopefully tomorrow I will sit outside for awhile. If I get to the house I babysit at early, I can sit in their porch.

I feel like the sun will help whatever is dragging me down. If it is not better tomorrow then I will figure out how and where to be seen to get antibiotics. But I would prefer it dissipate on its own.

The message that is on my mind for you is to be more aware of your real truth, and your authentic feelings. Here are some things you can practice this week.

1. When sitting or laying comfortably, focus on your body and how the energy feels and how each part has sensations.

Start by bringing your attention to your toes. Focus on the right foot toes and notice the sensations in them. See if you can feel energy flowing through them.

Then focus on your left foot toes and observe the sensations and feelings in each toe. Do this with your feet. Then your fingers and hands.

It will bring your mind’s attention inwardly towards your sensations and away from anxiety and the thought patterns that start anxiety.

2. Look up yoga postures and choose 2 that you can do easily. Practice these pistures a few times a day, for a few minutes each.

3. Get ingredients for fresh salad…Romaine Lettuce, Tomatoes, Cucumbers….whatever you like. And a nice light dressing like an Asian Ginger, or something with a nice flavor.

Notice all the flavors and textures, as you are eating the salad. Each ingredient having it’s own energy and benefit for your health.

4. Take a pause before making decisions and choices. Don’t go on automatic pilot all day. Feel the sensations in your body and what they are telling you about how you feel about the choice you were going to make. Rethink and when you can, make a conscious choice, rather than a subconscious reaction.

5. Realize that the people around you will not change for you. If there are needs you have that are not being met by the people in your life, find a place where people are most likely to be tbe kind of personalities, and spiritual consciousness levels, that are more likely to support your needs.

6. Expise yourself to something that will allow you to laugh freely. It might be a tv show, a person, a group of people, a place or anything you enjoy.

Don’t imprison yourself into situations with no joy and no laughter. Break out of those places and people when you can.

Much love,


affirmations, anxiety, anxiety ptsd, buddhism, chronic illness, chronic pain, compassion, depression, emotional abuse, emotional healing, encouragement, enlightenment, healing from domestic abuse, healing from narcissistic abuse, holiday top 10 list, mental illness, single mom, teen derpession, teen mental health

My Top Favorite Self Care Behaviors

self care

Self care is part of self parenting. If you have C-PTSD from childhood abuse, emotional trauma, or neglect, then you were probably not taught to care for yourself.

If your emotional needs were regularly discounted then you were trained to ignore your feelings about being uncomfortable, and taught to hide those feelings. You were not able to get what you needed to make your environment feel safe and comfortable.

If your parents did not make an effort to care for your need to feel safe and comfortable, then you were programmed into discounting your own comfort needs.

Everone has the need to feel comfort, safety and pleasure. It is not selfish to have these needs. It is normal and it is part of the survival instinct.

As an adult who came from a narcissistic pareny or otherwise dysfunctional family, you have to learn how to parent yourself now. …Not in the same way you were parented as a child. But in a nurturing, compassionate way.

Learning thow to care for yourself will allow you to have more energy and patience ti share your love with other people.

Love the loving. Maintain behaviors of self love and then show compassion to people who have the capacity for love and empathy. Do not waste energy trying to change unloving people.

So here is a list of my top 10 favorite self care ideas. Please share your own favorite ideas in the comments below.

1. Wrap up in hot towels from the dryer. You don’t have to be doing wash at the time. Just toss 2 or 3 nice towels in the dryer and dry them on high, for 10 or 15 minutes. Then wrap up in them.

2. Cover yourself in soft blankets. Buy one special blanket that has your favorite texture. Running your hands over pleasing textures can calm the nervous system, similar to petting a soft furred animal.

3. Take a warm shower or bath. You don’t have to wait until you need to bathe. Hot steamy showers have a healing effect and calm the nervous system. Submersing yourself in a bath of warm water will help you be mindful of the present moment.

4. Listen to music that makes you feel empowered. Your favorite music has a direct effect on your nervous system and will generate dopamine and feel-good chemical responses.

5. Petting and playing with your favorite kind of animals. Animals are living spiritual beings. Different people are drawn to different animals for different emotional and spiritual energies that these animals have.

6. Water has healing properties. Drinking clean water…swimming in water… and being near the ocean, stream… or a beautiful sparkling lake…all have spiritually uplifting possibilities.

7. Creating your perfect sleep space. Your sleeping area needs to be a calm haven of nurturing and soothing quality. Alter your lighting with red or other colored light bulbs in a table lamp. Add soothing sounds and textureus. The colors should be ones that are important to you and have an affect on your nervous system.

8. Uplifting words. Read or watch videos by people who inspre you. Your self esteem should feel boosted after spending time with a message that energizes and validates you.

9. Learn to say NO, without feeling obligated to make them agree that your reasons are valid. Being afraid to say NO to people will cause you to be forced into situations that deplete your energy and your self esteem.

10. Create things that are inventive, artistic, authentic or unique. Draw, color, craft, write a poem, sing in your unique voice, write, create a new yoga routine, rearrange items in a unique way, decorate a box, add fringe to your lampshade with a hot glue gun, change the laces in your sneakers to colored ones, make a beaded bracelet, plant some flowers, choose your favorite material at JoAnne fabrics and lay it on your table for a table cloth, buy a bag of buttons at the craft store and sew them onto your tops and jackets, add some coloful garnishes to your dinner plate….explore….create…don’t worry about comparing your creativity to others….be yourself!



#domestic abuse, #narcissism, anxiety, dealing with a narcissist, Dealing with difficult personalities, dealing with manipulative people, depression, domestic abuse, emotional abuse, emotional healing, emotional maniulation, emotional wounds, empowerment, mental illness

Believe in Yourself


abusive relationships, adult children of abuse, adult children of narcissistic abuse', adult children of narcissistic parents, adult children of narcissists, adult children with alcoholic parents, affirmations, aftermath of narcissistic abuse, chronic fatigue, chronic illness, Chronic pain and depression, codependence, compassion, daughter of narcissist, Dealing with difficult personalities, dealing with manipulative people, disfunctional family, dysfunctional families, emetophobia, emotional abuse, emotional healing, emotional maniulation, emotophobia, health and wellness, Healthy lifestyle, leaving an abusive relationship, life coach for narcissistic abuse, life coaching for people pleaser syndrome, mental abuse, mental health, mental illness

Feeling Safe and Deflecting Shame from Others

The people that try to make you feel guilt or shame over not doing what they want you to do, are just serving their own agenda.

If they continue to try to emotionally manipulate you, they have no concern for your reality. They do not respect your right to see things from your own point of view.

People will claim to know what you should start doing…or stop doing..that will make you a better person. But take a closer look and see that they are trying to get you to fit into their own agenda.

You do not have to change your core beliefs to make someone else’s reality more comfortable. They are clearly not changing their beliefs to suit you.

If you are not trying to guilt and shame them, then what right do they have to do it to you. What gives one person, or one group of people, exclusive rights to know everything that everyone “should” and “should not” be doing?

Shaming people is not loving. Any group or individual that is making you feel bad about yourself, or trying to make you question your own truth to support theirs, is more concerned with serving their own agenda than wanting you to be your authentic self.

People that claim to care about your best interest, but try to shame and guilt you into changing for them, do not have your best interest at heart….but they have their own best interest at heart.

So let them continue to follow their own path and do what they feel best supports them…..while you follow your own path and do what best supports you.

Why is it okay for them to want an environment they feel safe and supported in….but you are selfish because you also want to feel safe and supported?

compassion, depression, empowerment, encouragement, free form poetry, friendships, Healing after abuse, healing from abuse, humanity, inspiration, inspirational, kindness, Kindness self esteem, life coaching, life coaching narcissistic abuse, mental health, mental illness, philosophy, quotes, relationships, self love, self-esteem, self-help, spiritual, spirituality, spoken word, spoken word poetry

What to Live For

Live for yourself. Create your reality. Listen to your inner voice. Nurture your inner child and your emotional wounds.

Live for the connection of all living things and for the value of life and existence.

Live for loving others. Do random acts of kindness. Search out special people to share intimate relationships with.  Passion and sensuality are part of being human and part of spirituality.

Live to love animals and nature. Be kind and mindful. Treat living things with respect and care.

Live for your visions, hopes and dreams. Be creative, inventive and original.

Live to fight against evil and injustice. Be the advocate for those who have no voice.

Teach others to be sometimes still, and other times to roar like a lion.


annie life coach, emotional abuse, emotional healing, empowerment, encouragement, mental illness

Helping Others Begins with Self Love

You have to take care of yourself, before you can really take care of someone else well.

You have to make yourself comfortable,  before you can find the best ways to comfort someone else.

You have to find yourself,  before you can help someone who is lost.

You have to be standing stable,  before you can get someone off the floor.

You have to save yourself, before you can begin to help someone save themselves.