blogging, funny blog, humorous, life, top 10 lists, top ten lists

Top 10 Ten List Random Thoughts

Random morning musings

1. People  can read lists, even when they are having  anxiety  and are rushing through  their busy day.

2. Reading  lists helps the brain to become more organized

3. Writing  lists helps the brain  to become  more organized.

4. See I mean say to organize the yes brain It is working very so much

5. Just kidding.

6. Did you worry about my brain or think my cell phone was acting up?

7. The brain needs to be active in order to keep working  well.

8. Learning new things keeps the brain active.

9. Learning things can be reading  about something,  learning a new game,  a craft, a new yoga posture….a new  love position. ….mmmm..

10. Just trying  to make you smile a little and see if you are paying attention. If I had someone to practice  love positions with, then I would not be talking to you guys right now….no offense ….sigh..

If you do have someone next to you in the bed that is sweet ..go cuddle and stop reading  my goofy post..

11. You might already know but I have issues sticking within the parameters  of a top ten list.

12. No….really…I just cannot stop talking…

13. And I think it is funny to go past ten…Yes I can sometimes  be easily amused…

14. And I feel boxed in, when I get to number 10

15. And freeeeeeee  to go beyond 10…weeee…womp…womba woo

16. I am feeling a bit better today

17. Perhaps  this depression  that has been sucking me into a pit of darkness  lately, is beginning  to lift

18. I could  not have written  a funny post last week or the week before. ..or a few days ago

19. This is hopefully  a good sign

20. Talkativeness is usually a sign of depression  lifting for me

21. So is the feeling of wanting  to challenge  things, like ethical things at work.

22. But then….sometimes  doing the right thing gets me into trouble

23. I end up annoying  the ” normals” who want me to stay in my place….and not to incorporate  creative, innovative  thinking  into my work

24. Probably  good I am off today…

25. I need to be working  for myself  so I will be free to think outside the bix

26. And go outside the parameters  of top ten lists….so to speak…

blogging, top 10 list, top 10 list funny, top ten list

Top Ten 10 List / Things That Make me Sm

Things that I make me smile

1,  The sound of my bunny pushing things around in his cage. I like to know he is next to me keeping me company

2. Rainbows

3. My 12 year old daughter giving me the rundown of her latest creative story. She is an inspired writer and very imaginative

4. My 18 year old, all dressed up to go to a dance or on a special date

5. The sound of kids laughing 

6. Getting to bring the flower delivery to an old lady at work, (at the assisted living)  and seeing her eyes light up when she sees the flowers

7. The chicken dance

8. Gangnam style

9. Playing with the balloon with the Alzheimer’s residents. They love that.  I think balloons have magical powers

10. Getting to number 10 on a top ten post, because… I just have to defiant and write another

11. Giving someone their first blog award

12. Giving someone their first WordPress “Like”

13. Ending on 13….just because  it is wrong

dysfunctional family, family, life, mental abuse, mental health, top 10 list, top 10 list funny, top ten list, top ten list funny, wellness

Top Ten Things You Cannot Do About Annoying Relatives !

We might like to, but we cannot…

10. Drop them off at a random bus station and say “good luck!”

9. Change our phone number, but keep telling them they are dialing the number  wrong.

8. Turn out the lights and hide behind the door, like they do in “What About Raymond?” tv show

7. List them on Craig’s List under the “Please Take … Free…you haul”   section

6. Send a postcard from where you go on vacation and tell them you moved there

5. Have a remote control that plays the CD Player really loud, and hit the button every time they start to criticize you or give you annoying advice

4. Fake a doctor’s note that you have suddenly become deaf and cannot talk on the phone or even hear them when they are speaking directly to you

3. Take them back for a refund !

2. Exchange them for a new hair dryer

1. Change your name and identity and move to another state