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Annie …on writing…

Writers can touch the humanity of their readers.

Humanity is Messy, Lonely, Complex, Sad, Magical, Mystical, Beautiful, Sensual and Deeply Poetic

As a writer, be as human as you are. As a human, pour your inner longing into your writing.

Writing is the naked task of bearing your soul for all to see…Pouring out your heart for all to feel…Allowing elements of your own perceptions to be perceived by another person’s mind and sent into the universe.

It is not for the faint of heart. True, meaningful, writing is for the courageous of spirit and mind.

If you are feeling fear, then it is fear that  should be spilled upon the pages.

 If you are feeling passion, that passion should ignite a spark that could set your pages ablaze !

If you are feeling sad, then let the pages of your writing catch your tears.

Writing that comes from the soul, sends an imperceptible energy connection between yourself and the reader.  Writing can  transcend time itself, and connect humanity in all its conditions.

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Messy, Lonely, Complex, Sad, Magical, Mystical and Beautiful

Writers can bring out the humanity in their readers. Humanity is messy, lonely, complex, sad, magical, mystical and beautiful. In order to really touch your readers,  pour your inner longing into your writing. Readers can tell when you are putting real emotion into your writing. It sends an energy connection from your soul to theirs.


Great writers put their real feelings into their stories and poems. They infuse their own humanity, into their characters. The doubts and questions that haunt their own soul, are spilled into their work.

For fiction writing, the events in the story do not have to have really happened. But if you dig deep into your inner self, you will be able to breath life and humanity into your characters. In great stories the characters are as real as people you know in real life. You feel like you know them, and you have real emotions about them.

Humanity is the lifeblood of poetry, creative writing, and blog writing. If people can relate to the humanity in your writing, they will keep coming back for more.

People do not read a new blog because they want to learn about you, as much as they are searching to learn more about themselves.

They may come back to read your blog, because they care about you and how you are doing.  But initially they were searching for something that spoke to them personally.  

Readers are seeking to find a connection with their own experiences and feelings. They want to understand themselves better.

Put Your Heart Into Your Writing ❤

Your readers are looking for something about themselves in your writing. This is not to say that you are writing about them directly, but you are putting elements of your own humanity into your writing, that they can relate to.

Great writers will guide their readers into finding the truth within themselves. In order to do this, you must look inside your own mind with courage. You must take a journey into your own soul and see what is inside.


Bloggers tend to write about things that are part of their daily lives. You can write about yourself and be honest about your own insecurities and inadequacies.

Transparency and honesty make readers feel safe. They feel safe that they are in the presence of a real human, who can understand and relate to them. You are relatable to your readers because you are not perfect. They will feel that stopping by your blog is like being in the arms of understanding and validation of their own humanity.

Creative Writing

Creative writing is about characters and how they interact with their surroundings and the situations they are put into. If you infuse your characters with real humanity, then they will take on a life of their own.

You can create characters and situations that are not from your real life. But put yourself into them. The elements of longing, suffering, desire, and searching for meaning in life, will give your characters a virtual reality that will capture the hearts of your readers.


Poetry is a special kind of writing that paints emotions upon the page. It is free and you are not bound by any rules. It is a beautiful, thought provoking painting with words.

You can begin your  “word painting”  by splashing a color upon the page that represents the first emotion you feel, when you first sit down to write. Then dip into your color pallet as you paint the reality of the human condition upon the page.

Music, Art and Writing

I am a musician and an artist. I have trained in music for half of my life and have found it to be very expressive.  I am also an artist and have spent endless hours exploring ways to express human emotion with art.

 I find that writing has elements of both music and art.  Writing is a way for  humans to  connect with each  other, in a truly meaningful way. Great writers can connect  different generations and different cultures together.

Timeless Universal Truths 

Writers can magically unite past, present and future,  by writing in a way that is timeless. What does timeless mean? People refer to things as timeless when they are easily understood by people of any generation.

Love is a universal truth that is timeless. Other timeless human conditions are death, desire, longing, joy and sadness.  Trust, deception, betrayal, collaboration and sensuality are all  timeless realities as well.

When we see old movies, we can relate to these themes in the stories. If we could not, then the classic movies would not be “classic” at all.

Universal truths will speak to people from all different walks of life. The human experience is one that people need to connect with each other about. It is entirely too painful to endure alone.

When you are writing something, picture yourself as the reader. What elements of your own humanity would speak to you, if you were the reader? What would you need from the writer?

The Reader / Writer Relationship

The reader / writer relationship is a special one. It has elements of a romantic affair. The reader has inner desires and needs. The writer does their best to put themselves into the writing, in order to satisfy the desires of the reader.

Blessings for Peacefulness and Inspiration,

Annie ❤