compassion, mental illness

Mindfulness and Random Kindness πŸ’œ



Small kindnesses offered to people in random situations, when the opportunities present themselves. Not only is it good for your spirit to offer kind actions to people, but it helps to give you a different perspective in observing your reality.


Some people walk through their day with narrow vision, simply focusing on their immediate agenda for themselves. Allowing your perception to take in more about what is happening in your environment creates a higher level of consciousness.


It can also reduce stress to be able to observe your situation and to see the entire room you are in, as if you were watching it as a spectator. It takes your attachment to the particular situation you are in, and reduces the emotional energies being wasted on anxiety or other draining emotions.


If you are waiting in a line at the store, and you are thinking hard about your schedule for the day, you will miss a lot of what is happening in the entire room. You will miss the body language and facial expressions Β of the people around you.


It is easy to end up feeling like everyone in the room is part of “your” story. They may even be contributing to making you late. Your brain can become irrational , even though you logically know that no one has any idea what you have to do next, or what time you have to do it.


The limited perspective from inside of your own immediate story, is likely to induce more anxiety in your body and mind. Being able to step out of that perspective at your own will, is a practice that will help to calm you.


You can learn to change the “chatter” in your brain. Allow it to include being observant in a way that lacks judgement and biases. It can be tricky to break away from your core conditioning, and it is a skill that needs to be developed.


As you practice this skill, you will begin to notice and observe many mpre details of what is happening in any room you are standing in, or other environment you are in.


See the space and the people in it, as if you are floating above the room looking down. Practice noticing what people are doing, what they are holding, how they are holding themselves, and what state of emotion they seem to be in.


Do this without attaching it in any emotional way to yourself….completely separate from your personal story. This practice will sharpen your brain and give you a broader clarity.


When opportunities arise where you notice a small kindness you can offer to someone and your intuition tells you it feels safe to do so, then offer freely of yourself even if it is a kind word to them to touch their humanity.

You will benefit from the connection with your own humanity. You will also be in the practice of regulating your own nervous system and clarity of your brain.


There is a time and place for random acts of kindness. If you are feeling manipulated into something, or are acting out of a feeling of shame or low self esteem, then it is not good.


What you want is to observe in a way that lacks judgement, and to act in a way that connects you to your higher self….increasing your level of consciousness and powers to be calm and detached.


But this is a compassionate detachment from the situation, that will allow you to step out of your pre-programmed responses. Rather than reacting out of your conditioning, you can choose your behavior from your conscious mind.


These practices will expand your clarity and deepen your compassion for yourself and others.




mental illness


Do you ever feel like your speed is off kilter?
Like you’re walking through time and space by yourself
Not keeping in time with everyone else
Your step seems just fine but it doesn’t keep time
With the other feet and toes that walk along the street
Your swagger and pace just do not sway so neat
The beat of the drum that the other ones walk to
Seems like a distant and far away sound
Your dreams want to pull your two feet off the ground
Your rhythm is different than those that conform
But this is all right if your speed is your own
And it picks up and slows as you walk down the road
For the misfits and the lovers and the artists keep time
With a different kind of rhythm from their own unique mind
So choose your own colors and paint your own rhyme !
blogging, humanity, inspirational, mental illness, writing, writing tips

Humanity of Writing

Writers Can Touch The Humanity In Their Readers

Humanity is messy, lonely, complex, sad, magical, mystical and beautiful. Β In order to touch your readers in personal way, Β pour your real feelings and original thoughts and ideas into your writing. Share your personal reality, and the truth as you perceive it, without trying to go along with the what others tell you that you are supposed to believe. Writing is where you can be real.Β 


adult children of narcissistic abuse', adult children of narcissistic parents, anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, c-ptsd, chronic fatigue, chronic illness, chronic pain, Chronic pain and depression, Chronic pain and mental illness, healing from abuse, healing from domestic abuse, healing from narcissistic abuse, health, health and wellness, mental illness

Physical Pain Should be Paid Attention To

Headaches, muscle aches, numbness, chest tightness, fatigue and weakness….

Insomnia, nervousness, trouble focusing your mind, trouble resting and relaxing….

Trouble eating, weight gain, extreme weight loss, chronic bowel problems, chronic pain….

People struggle through each day, dragging themselves out of bed. Dreading waking up in the morning, to endure another day of trying to keep other people from complaining.

Our reptilian brain ( triunal brain theory) is designed to protect us. The main function of this part of your brain is to protect you from danger. It is primal and the over-riding primal drive is for survival.

Anything the reptilian brain sees as a threat gets sent to the “fight or flight” system. This is where the amygdala activates the process of chemicals being sent throughout your body.

These chemicals include adrenaline and cortisol. The fight or flight mode was never designed for constant or continuos activation.

Stress filled lifestyle and anxiety disorders cause too much cortisol to be sent into the body , too often. This has detrimental affects on nearly every system in your body.

As you are reading this, you are thinking of your life and how a typical day goes for you. But that is the problem. ….

Society is so brainwashed that the phrase “how a typical day goes for you” makes sense and seems like a normal thing to say.

We should be able to compose our days, like a musical composer creates a symphony. We should have more freedom and more power to make our days the way we want them to be.

You should be spending your time thinking of new ideas, new concepts, new methods and original techniques to do things.

There is too much emphasis on “the way things have always been done.”

There are too many restrictions on our individuality, and our ability to try new ways to do things.

The “original thinkers” Β are considered weird, non-compliant and “difficult,” even when their ideas are ingenious.

We are pressured to follow the ways of those who came before us, and the ways dictated by the Β “powers that be.”

All of this ….forcing people into routines… and making us run on automatic pilot, has consequences.

….stress, anxiety disorders, depression, pain in both the body and the mind.

The body is what your spirit inhabits. Your soul has been assigned to live within this body . Β But your body is not all of who you are, nor is it detached Β from who you are.

Have you ever driven someplace, only to come to consciousness while you are driving, and not know where you are for a few seconds? Have you ever passed the turn to your destination because you had gone into a trance-like state while you were driving?

We were not designed to live in “automatic pilot” Β mode …existing merely to repeat the same dull, or painful routines every day.

Even animals vary their routines. They adapt with their environment and respond to the needs of their bodies.

Your aches, pains and chronic fatigue are telling you that something is wrong. These are like emotions of the body.

Our emotions and our pains are speaking to us. If we cannot listen, and make changes….alter our patterns of living, then we will eventually develop illness and didease.

Listen to your pain and to your physical discomfort. Your body is trying to integrate with your mind, emotions and your soul. It is letting you know that the parts of your being are fractured.

Psychological problems manifest in the body. Physical illness and disease will cause psychological and mental pain. Our emotions tie everything together.

Be kind and compassionate with yourselves, and to others. There is no meaningless pain. It is all significant.





anxiety, buddhism, c-ptsd, emotional abuse, emotional healing, emotional trauma, emotional wounds, empowerment, free writing, gentle kindness life coach, gentle mental annie, Healing after abuse, healing from abuse, healing from domestic abuse, healing from narcissistic abuse, health and wellness, meditation, mental illness, spiritual, spirituality

Do We Live in Simultaneous Realities?

Everyone searches for a purpose to their lives. Some people are more focused on just surviving, but in the end humans are wired for more than simply existing.

Different people see their purpose differently. Time and age can change where you focus your energy.

Some people focus more on others than themselves and feel more fullfilled if they are serving others. Some people look to invent something that will improve the lives of others.

We need all different kinds people, with different skills and interests in order to tap into multiple kinds of brains and different kinds of intelligence.

I believe that each of us is happier when we feel like we are able to use and develop our best gifts, and what we feel drawn to do.

It is easy to get off track because others think they know what we should be doing. And some people only want to guide us in a certain direction because it serves their agenda.

We are all unique and have an inner guide that wants to lead us. When we really listen to our feelings, we can tap into that guidance. We should be careful not to get so busy that we ignore our feelings and intution.

Ctitical thinking has its purpose and can serve us in many situations. It can also talk us out of doing what we love because it can rationalize our behaviors.

If you feel miserable in a situation, there is something wrong and your emotions have their own intelligence.

We exist in multiple realities. There is the thought reality that we tend to rely on. There is our emotional reality, which is just as important. Our spiritual and intuitive reality can guide us to a higher vibration of consciousness.

There is our physical reality, which is made of pleasure and pain. The reptilian brain drives us by primal urges, and warns us about danger.

The thoughtful mind is the conscious mind. It is the critical factor that tends to make us ignore our other realities. The primal drives react and override our critical thinking.

We need to live in harmony with all the aspects of ourselves. We need to be physically comfortable and safe. But we cannot ignore our emotional reality. It lets us know when something is wrong with the direction we are going, or how we are going about it.

Make time, also, for your spiritual self and explore the meaning of that to you. Let your realities all have a voice.

Balance in everything is important for health and to move closer to enlightenment and peace of mind.


Blessings and peace,


free form poetry, mental illness, poem, poerty, spoken word

Time and Perception

Somewhere there are open seas

Waves more powerful than any man

Dolphins playing together

Never minding any schedule or

The time on the clock

Time is stopped …yet still moving

Relative to the perception of

The particular creature or living thing

Is it in the pressing forward,

that we live?

Or in the moment …that suspends itself…

Stopping all clocks…

and defying the rules,

that humans have designed

To try to contain, explain, manipulate,

rule over, control and wield time…

Like a sword or a crude tool

Is time less powerful than the ocean?

Can we contain theΒ waves ?

Or make them stop undulating?

With all of our clocks, wristwatches,

calendars and planners

We have lost truth and importance

Priority, patience and resilience…

Compassion and empathy

Intimacy and detachment

There has been a delusion

Created by people we never met

And taught to our brains

Filed and coded into the subconscious

But it is wrong in important ways

The arrogance of man to define time

And attempt to rule over it

In such superficial ways

For time is not without us…

It is within and part of us…

Our reality is a perception

And perception is our reality

Each perception somewhat unique

yetΒ the same

To separate and detach from this delusion…

Created by others who want to rule you

Control you, manipulate you

And own you…

Would be truly powerful…

Time is a perception

Beyond understanding and control

And yet…

Manipulated and controlled by your perception





compassion, free form poetry, friendship, humanity, inspiration, kindness, mental illness, poem, poetry, self love, self-esteem, self-help, spiritual


Humanity needed in the world of humans

Soft sweet touches

An understanding ear to hear

Laughter bursting from the small bodies of children

Old hands carefully baking bread for a neighbor in need

Or crafting a blanket with yarn for a stranger in the hospital

A nurse’s reassurance to a frightened patient

Looking at them with the self confidence of the profession; but adding something personal in their glance

A worker willing to go outside the usual procedures Β and protocol…in the name of Β helping someone who is in danger of foreclosure on their family home

Too many medical bills and not enough time…

Time spent working to take care of loved ones has to be balanced against the need to just be with them

Sitting next to a stranger and matching their body language… their hopeless slouch on the bench…

just to let them know someone sees them…and they are not forgotten

…they are not invisible

Humanity enough to pay the extra 2 dollars for the pizza at the Mom and Pop shop; to drive the extra mile to get there

Rather than paying the “fast-food- dictators” their tithe; Β the Mama Rosina Pizza places need to be there…on the Main Streets

What happens when no one cares anymore about the “little” people; will they truly become little people after all?

And the smallest gestures of holding doors for a mother carrying a child and helping the elderly woman cross the street safely…

What will becomevof these small acts of random kindness ? What shall we say to those …who call us foolish for wasting our time…

On people of no consequence?

Who has the right to determine who is more or less significant?

And what does this say about mankind…

If we are just too busy spending time making money…and nothing more?

Isn’t there something further? Isn’t there something more?