animals, house rabbits, pet bunnies, pet bunny, pets

Annie’s Therapy Bunny

20150324_022241This is my bunny. I call him Bunny because my daughter named him Lucky but that name never really stuck. It did not suit him, once we got to know him.

My daughter rescued him from getting hit by cars in the street last summer. My younger daughter, who was 11 at the time, was very surprised when her sister and I went to Quick Check for coffee and came home with the bunny.

She was scared of him for a few weeks, but eventually she became more interested in getting to know him. Now she loves him and loves to feed him and p lay with him

My older daughter was 17 at the time we got him. She is the one who gave me the puppy dog eyes of “Mom….please…”

But now we all love the bunny who we call Bunny.

animals, bunnies, bunny, house rabbits, life, pet bunnies, pets

Taking Care of Bunny


Time to clean the bunny cage. I let the bunny out of his cage, with the intention to clean it. He was having a fun time hopping all around the room. I got caught up in reading blogs and just let him play on the floor next to me. A few minutes ago, I went to get the supplies for cleaning and refilling the cage.


When I came back into my room, I was checking around to see where Bunny had gone. He was not in the middle of the floor. He was not in his hiding place behind the white shelf. He was in the bunny cage.

I guess he got hungry from all the hopping and playing.He is in the cage eating his romaine lettuce. So, funny. I had all that time to clean the cage without him in it, but I took so long that he went back in. LOL So, now I will have to wait for him to eat a bit.


Then I will start cleaning around him. This  will likely make him hop back out again. Then maybe I can get some new pics for you all to see. My bunny, of course, is the cutest one!

No, I  love all the bunnies! Oh! Here he comes now! He has finished eating and has come out to climb on my lap. Time to clean the cage before he changes his bunny mind. Annie

animals, bunnies, bunny, house rabbit, life, love my bunny, pet bunnies, pet bunny, pet rabbit, pets, rabbit

Bunny Hunting Around my Room for the Veggie Straws


This bunny of mine is so funny. I dropped some Veggie Straws on the floor, out of the bag and he ate them. He loved them. He went all around the room looking for more of them.



He found the bag that I had sitting on the floor next to the bed and stuck his cute little nose in it.

I know he should not have too many of them, but I gave him a few of them and then put the bag up on the counter.


He was so cute eating the veggie straws. he loved them so much, I think he would have eaten the whole bag. I will have to watch where I leave it. LOL
