mental illness

Emergency Medical Day

I could not post anything today, guys. I got a call to pick up my 19 year old daughter from work because she was very sick. I ended up in the ER for 5 hours.

She is home and sleeping now. After blood tests and a CT scan, they decided it was a kidney infection. So they ran fluids and antibiotics through the IV for a couple of hours.

Your prayers and healing thoughts are welcome. I am glad she was able to come home. She was not too keen on the idea of staying there over night, but I told her they would take good care of her if she did have to stay. Besides we live directly across the street, so I would not have been far away.

I finally just got something to eat, after not eating all day. Now I am settling in for the night next to the bunny, with Netflix.



mental illness

Ten Dollar Coaching for Emotional / Mental Abuse Victims



Discounted coaching times for the remainder of April are available. 


I have a few spaces left in my coaching schedule in April.


I can offer one you one session at the discount price of 10 dollars.


First time coaching sessions are usually 1 to 2 hours. You would be surprised how much you have to get off your chest, once you start talking. 


People that live with PTSD and C-PTSD from emotional and other abuse, carry trauma with them, and it is hard to find anyone who you can really talk to.


 You can talk about anything you want. I will create a safe space for you to talk and explore the emotional wounds that are holding you back from getting traction in your life. 


Regular coaching pricing is 75 dollars per month, which includes one phone session per week up to 1 1/2 hours long. Email support in between calls is also included for no extra cost to you. 


#narcissistic abuse, abusive relationships, anxiety, chronic pain, mental illness

Ten Messages About Self Care and Self Love

.bed self care

image from Pinterest  HERE


1. Self care and kindness.


2. It is okay to need things.


3. You deserve to have things that you want, just like everyone else does.


4. It is not selfish to prioritize your emotional and mental health, over what other people want.


5. You are not “the only” person who can help someone, no matter what tell you. With the exception of your children under your cate, other people can and will find someone else to help them if you need to tell them NO.


6. It is okay to tell people NO, if you do not want to do something. Notice how many times they have helped you or not helped you. Some people always take from others and never give. Save your energies for someone who will really appreciate you.

.bed room

image from Pinterest HERE


7. You can and should be comfortable in your surroundings. Taking time to declutter your bedroom and set things up nicely is a good use of your time. If you need to give out a few NO’s to people who are sucking your time….then do so.


8. Sleep is not wasted time. Sleep is a necessary altered state of our consciousness. Part of our life is existing on that alternate plane of reality. It integrates your conscious mind with your subconscious.



image from Pinterest HERE



9. Eat from all the food groups. Think ahead about planning your food for the week and include healthy snacks. Low blood sugar causes brain fog, confusion, memory problems and fatigue.


10. You are equally worthy and valuable to anyone else on the planet. Negative “self talk” is actually bad programming and corruption of your brain software, put in like a malicious virus by emotionally abusive people.

#domestic abuse, #narcissistic abuse, aftermath of narcissistic abuse, healing from abuse, life coaching narcissistic abuse, mental illness, psychopath

Abusive Relationships – Substandard Living Conditions

messy house


Many cases of narcissistic abuse end up in the financial devastation of the victim. But long before the end of the relationship, some victims are living far below what is humane and healthy.


Because the narcissist does not see you as an individual human being with rights and boundaries, your living conditions are often of no concern to them.


Basic needs for healthcare, spending cash, healthy environment, and safe living environment are often refused by the narcissist. The victim lives behind closed doors is despicable, inhumane conditions, that they are too embarrassed and ashamed to speak of outside of the home.


Even after the relationship has ended, and the victim begins to interact with other victims, this is a dark secret that is kept hidden. There is extreme shame about having to live in sub-human conditions and it is even hard to explain.


Since the victim is so used to being doubted and gaslighted, this secret is never talked about for fear of re-traumatization. The victim just cannot take any more minimization or disbelief of their reality.


They also cannot tolerate any more shaming than they have already endured from the narcissist, and from others who disbelieved any parts of their truth.


This post is just to let you know that other victims have also lived in sub-human conditions at the hands of a narcissist. It may be one of the most powerful ways the narcissist controls you.


When you are suffering just to exist, there is no energy for anything else. Your self esteem is completely crushed and you fear letting anyone into your home to see how you live.


This has the effect of completely isolating you from potential helpers, friends and anyone who might try to bring any light of truth into the dark reality tunnel the narcissist makes you exist in.

mental illness, parenting, photography

Tree with Night Moon Photography


This is some fun I have been having with an app I have on my cell phone. The app is called Photo Editor Pro. It is a free app and I am enjoying experimenting with the various features. 

tree edited


This is a picture of a tree with the moon behind it. My 13 year old daughter and I took these pictures one night when we were running up to Walgreens to get something at night. We saw how beautiful the moon looked and we really liked that interesting tree.

The moon set behind the tree seemed like it would make a great picture, so we got our cell phones out and began to snap pictures. I love to do this with my daughter anytime we see a great photo opp. She loves the spontaneity of stopping whatever we are doing to take pictures. I have even pulled the car over to the next safe spot before. because she spotted a rainbow or a lovely sunset.

I hope you enjoy seeing these as much as I enjoyed taking them and editing them.


tree edited 3


It is interesting how the moon came out bright, like a sun shining in the night.


tree negative effect


Here is one edited to be black and white. This is one of my favorites.


tree b and wh

abusive relationships, adult children of abuse, adult children of narcissistic parents, aftermath of narcissistic abuse, anxiety, mental illness

Today’s Message for You



Hi guys.

I am feeling better today after sleeping about 15 hours yesterday. Sometimes we have to listen to our bodies telling us we are exhausted.

Exhaustion can come from sleep deprivation, emotional stress, anxiety, depression, financial or mental stress, loneliness, or living is resistance to our situations.

We will discuss resistance in future posts, but basically it is a state of not fully accepting the circumstances we are in. Not to say that you should accept them, but living in situations that are unnatural to our higher, spiritual selves is draining.

Being an individual being means not having to just follow along with what others tell you. You should not have to take on the identity that others want you to be. Sometimes other people have their own agenda that they are trying to force you to conform to.

Your soul will resist against this. Your brain holds certain beliefs in the subconscious and will resist the efforts of others to make you behave in ways contrary to your core beliefs.

You can continue to live in resistance, which will break you down, and eventually result in disease and illness, or mental illness. Or you can take steps to find a way to live where you are able to be authentic.

Sending love and healing to all of my caring followers,

Annie 💕

anxiety, blogging, c-ptsd, codependence, mental illness

A Message for You

I have not posted in a coupl3 of days. I have not been feeling well. I think I have some sort of a sinus infection combined with anxiety from PTSD.

I fell asleep when I gor home today at 6 pm and just woke up now at midnight. I am goung to go back to sleep after I do this. I just took some pain medicatiin for the headache.

The weather in New Jersey has been beautiful. Hopefully tomorrow I will sit outside for awhile. If I get to the house I babysit at early, I can sit in their porch.

I feel like the sun will help whatever is dragging me down. If it is not better tomorrow then I will figure out how and where to be seen to get antibiotics. But I would prefer it dissipate on its own.

The message that is on my mind for you is to be more aware of your real truth, and your authentic feelings. Here are some things you can practice this week.

1. When sitting or laying comfortably, focus on your body and how the energy feels and how each part has sensations.

Start by bringing your attention to your toes. Focus on the right foot toes and notice the sensations in them. See if you can feel energy flowing through them.

Then focus on your left foot toes and observe the sensations and feelings in each toe. Do this with your feet. Then your fingers and hands.

It will bring your mind’s attention inwardly towards your sensations and away from anxiety and the thought patterns that start anxiety.

2. Look up yoga postures and choose 2 that you can do easily. Practice these pistures a few times a day, for a few minutes each.

3. Get ingredients for fresh salad…Romaine Lettuce, Tomatoes, Cucumbers….whatever you like. And a nice light dressing like an Asian Ginger, or something with a nice flavor.

Notice all the flavors and textures, as you are eating the salad. Each ingredient having it’s own energy and benefit for your health.

4. Take a pause before making decisions and choices. Don’t go on automatic pilot all day. Feel the sensations in your body and what they are telling you about how you feel about the choice you were going to make. Rethink and when you can, make a conscious choice, rather than a subconscious reaction.

5. Realize that the people around you will not change for you. If there are needs you have that are not being met by the people in your life, find a place where people are most likely to be tbe kind of personalities, and spiritual consciousness levels, that are more likely to support your needs.

6. Expise yourself to something that will allow you to laugh freely. It might be a tv show, a person, a group of people, a place or anything you enjoy.

Don’t imprison yourself into situations with no joy and no laughter. Break out of those places and people when you can.

Much love,


mental illness

The Shadow of Darkness

Spiritual Mastery

If you’re around a person of darkness how do you know? What are the signs of an individual who has “sold out” to darkness? And what do these people want?

What they want is to eat you. You, to them, as a Big Mac and Fries with a shake. Darkworkers draw energy from others. They’d absolutely love to dine on a Lightworker, as sucking the energy out of a skilled Lightworker would give them a very large energy (and ego) rush, but most of us have learned to protect ourselves pretty well. If you are a person who does work in the Light and you haven’t had a Teacher, please get one, because this is one of the first things I teach my Seekers — shield.

Now, how do you recognize these energy cannibals? Here are the signs that you are in the presence of a Darkworker. (In a near…

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