animals, bunnies, bunny, house rabbit, life, love my bunny, pet bunnies, pet bunny, pet rabbit, pets, rabbit

Bunny Hunting Around my Room for the Veggie Straws


This bunny of mine is so funny. I dropped some Veggie Straws on the floor, out of the bag and he ate them. He loved them. He went all around the room looking for more of them.



He found the bag that I had sitting on the floor next to the bed and stuck his cute little nose in it.

I know he should not have too many of them, but I gave him a few of them and then put the bag up on the counter.


He was so cute eating the veggie straws. he loved them so much, I think he would have eaten the whole bag. I will have to watch where I leave it. LOL


animals, insomnia, mental abuse, mental disorders, mental illness

Bunny and Self esteem

bunny face

Bunnies have self esteem. We should have the self esteem of a bunny. Animals all have characteristics. My bunny is cuddly when he wants to be and plays when he wants to play. He feels ok to ring for his dinner , on his little bell.IMG_20141111_234602_550~2

He is not intimidated by me and I am much bigger than he is. He wants to decide what he wants to do and he does not feel like he is too worthless to be assertive about what he wants.

Our mental wellness is related to our self esteem. One affects the other.


I am fading out from exhaustion now. It is 540 am. Time for all good little insomniacs to go to sleep.

animals, bunny, funny blog, insomnia, life, mental health, mental illness, pet bunny, pets

Time for all Good little Insomniacs to catch the Bunny and then go to Bed

bunny face

MY HEAD : It is 2:26 am…time for all good little insomniacs to go to sleep.

MY HEAD: What ? You have to catch the bunny first?

ME: Yes, He is hiding in the bedroom somewhere. Probably behind the white bookshelf, where he likes to rest.

MY HEAD: Ok, well see if you can get him to come out.

ME: That is going to be tricky. He has his own mind about things. But, hang on…I will try to get him to come out….

ME: Bunny, Bunny ! My favorite sweet bunny, who always obeys Mama….

MY HEAD: No, he doesn’t!

ME: Shhh!

MY HEAD: Go on already…

ME: Bunny , Bunny…Time to go into your cage. Mama loved having you hopping around the room and dancing around my feet while I was working in the kitchen. Mama brought the cage in  here, so you can sleep next to the bed to keep me company. Please come out from behind the white shelf and go to bed. Mama is tired…

BUNNY: I am comfortable here, behind the white bookshelf. I just got all settled in.

MY HEAD: Oh, you won’t get him to come out now. How are we going to sleep?

ME: Stop nagging me. I will get him to come out…

BUNNY: You sound very confident of that. LOL  but I will be a good bunny , I am not behind the shelf. I am sitting right at the bottom of your bed.

ME: Oh look at you ! Such a good bunny. Come on. I will tuck you in. Kiss Kiss.

BUNNY: Goodnight Mama Annie

ME: Goodnight bunny 🙂

animals, bunnies, bunny, funny animal video, life, pet bunny, pet therapy

Don’t Forget To Love and Hug Your Pet On Valentines Day ! :)

hug your pet

Pets give us unconditional love. They are unlike any human, in that they do not judge us at all, Even the people that try hard not to judge, still have a subjective view of us and notice our faults.

Our pets just love us. Even when our hair is messed up. Even if we gain weight. Even when we are tired ans sick. Even if we do not feel sociable or talkative. They listen to us and respond to our voices. They make us smile and laugh.

They know us and love us, just the way we are. Here are a few very short videos, I have given you here. You can see my sweet bunny and how he gives me hugs and kisses 🙂

My silly bunny is peeking his ears up next to my bed right now…no..whoooop!…he hopped up on the bed with me. If he gets jealous of the computer, he will come sit right on the laptop. (one time he actually took my cell phone right out of my hand and tossed it on the bed! ) LOL    Here he comes…..

Nope, he is hopping around the bed and fiddling with my blankets.

Good Night from Annie and Bunny,

I need to put him away for the night now. Let’s see if he will go in his cage….Nope ,,,gotta go catch him first ,,,LOL

Good Night from Annie and Bunny,