love, mental health, mental illness, philosophy, power of intention, psychology, spirituality, water experiment emoto

How Can Thoughts Affect the Physical World? Dr. Emoto’s Experiments with Water

I want to share something very special with you today. This is about the water experiment by Masuru Emoto. Thoughts are our most powerful tool to create, change or to stay in our current state of reality. Thoughts can cause physical changes to our world, including altering the molecules in water.

In his experiment Emoto  wanted to explore the possibilities of thoughts and emotions creating changes in water molecules. The first part of the experiment was to have water blessed by a Zen Monk. There were pictures taken of the water molecules before the blessing and there were pictures taken of the water after it received the blessing.

Take a minute to watch this short video to see what happened to the molecules in the water. You can see that the patterns of the water molecules dramatically change in response to the intentional thoughts that were given.

After the success of the first experiment, followers of Emoto continued to see how thoughts and ideas could change the water. Here is another short video that shows what happened when words were taped to jars of water. Some of the words were kind and others were fear based ideas.

The two extremes of emotional thoughts are fear and love. The other emotions like sadness, hate, kindness, and compassion fall into one of these two main categories. For example the emotions og humiliation and embarrassment are based in fear. The emotions of peace and calm are based in love.

Water has memory and it responds to the vibrations of different frequencies.

It connects with the intention of the thoughts around it. Here is one more video about vibrations that we create with our thoughts and how those vibrations affect reality. Dr. Emoto is interviewed in this video. He talks about giving love to other living things and to any person that you want to communicate love vibrations to.

Here is one last video which is an experiment of water being exposed to different kinds of music. Music carries energy frequencies and vibrations. The water changes in response to the energy and intention in the music.

Everything in the universe is made up of energy.

The thoughts we have affect that energy. I thought that the part of the interview that talked about cigarettes was interesting. They suggested that the warning on the side of the cigarettes causes more cancer because the intention of the words is about danger, cancer, and fear.

Different thoughts vibrate at different frequencies and those frequencies have different affects on the living thing that is near them.

Our bodies are made up of mostly water.

 The water molecules respond to thoughts and vibrations then the water in our bodies must also respond to our intentions and emotional thoughts. Being subject to abuse and malicious intention causes real physiological changes in our bodies. Being around loving intention and kindness has a positive effect on our health,  both mental and physical.

anxiety, christmas, holidays, life, top 10 list

Annie’s Top Ten List – Christmas List for Santa / Top 10 list

What would I want for Christmas if I could pick anything at all?

I thought this would be a good way of thinking about things and taking inventory , if you will, of my brain.

It might be helpful for you to make a list for yourself. It will not be a list that Santa will grant for you or that you may get any of at all. But it will help you to get to know yourself a little better.

1. Peace of mind. This is a phrase which is thrown around all the time. I am sure that different people have completely different ideas of what peace of mind means to them.

When I think  of what it would be like to have peace of mind, I think of feeling calm and not having any anxiety, In order to not have anxiety, I would need to be financially stable, feel healthy and have a deep spirituality.

2. Time to create and connect. I always feel like I am squeezing out bits of time for the things that i love, in between doing the things I need to do in order to survive

. I would love to have unlimited time to create poetry, music, art and to write blogs. I would spend much more time really connecting with other people in a meaningful way.

3. A stronger and more flexible body to do yoga with. I love yoga and I feel better when I make the time to do it. I used to be able to do the postures better and with no pain.

I am losing flexibility and getting in and out of the postures is painful sometimes. I would like to be able to enjoy yoga and be able to progress into more advanced postures.

4, Passion. I want romantic passion and love that is unconditional and selfless. I want to have time to be close and not have to fit it in between all of the survival activities.

5. Magic. I want magic. Magical moments of connection. Magical spiritual experiences. Ability to see all the magic around me. Ability to create magic in people’s lives. The ability to put the ideas of quantum physics and the “power of intention” 

* if you are unfamiliar with quantum physics, please watch “What the Bleep. Down the Rabbit Hole” movie*

6. Home. I have felt homesick for years. I want to live somewhere I feel I belong. A place that I had input on choosing. A place that feels safe and calm. A place that I can be myself. A place that has furniture and decorations that I love and had input in selecting.

7. To be seen. I feel invisible a lot of the time. I feel misunderstood , isolated and alienated. I want to be seen for who I am and have my intentions understood.

8. Humor. I would like to be able to laugh and smile. I would like to be myself and be able to express my sense of humor without being misunderstood. I would like for life to be peaceful enough that there was more room for laughter.

9. Inspiration. I would love to be able to easily access inspiration for creating music, art and writing without being burdened down with anxiety.

10.Acceptance. I want to be accepted for who I am. I want to be myself and not have to struggle to fit into the status quo. I want to not be punished when I think outside the box and do not just go along with what everyone else does.